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  1. Timeless

    Confirming mares in Foal

    Where do you live? I have also used Wee Foal and it has been correct with both bred and open mares.
  2. Timeless

    New horses lets see them!!

    Chance of Golds Enchanted Buckeroo. She is the sweetest and friendliest mare I have ever owned. And the icing on the cake is that she is in foal to Fallen Ash Eagles Dark Deputy! I want to put her in a bubble until the baby is born. Thanks to everyone that has made this possible. Introducing...
  3. Timeless

    Boy am I PSYCHED!!!

    I loved sharing in your excitement this weekend. Beyond is quite the stud. I cannot say enough about the ultrasound seminar. If anyone ever gets the chance to attend, go for it.
  4. Timeless

    Ultrasound Workshop Sugarloaf, PA

    This is a great opportunity for mini breeders. Feel free to email me if any questions. For more info
  5. Timeless

    Ultrasound Workshop

    For those of you wanting to learn to safely ultrasound your mini mares, here is your chance. There are a couple of working and spectator spots open. It will be hosted by Carmelite's Mini Corral. This may be the first of its kind. For more information go to
  6. Timeless

    roll call

    Can't wait. It was a fun show last year. This is the first time I will be showing horses that I have bred, trained, and conditioned.
  7. Timeless

    First Foal!!!!!

    Congratulations on a healthy beautiful filly. The name that came to mind has already been suggested by Holly. Janiteras Pretty Awesome Rose Bud
  8. Timeless

    Ultrasound probe extender

    I'm getting an ultrasound machine. Does anyone have a photo of an extender you have bought or made? If you bought one, where did you buy it? Thanks in advance.
  9. Timeless


    Congratulations once again. How about Whitetails Bonus Patented 13 Whitetails 13th Bonus Dream Whitetails Mega Bonus 13 Whitetails Bonus Lucky 13
  10. Timeless

    Breeding a mare that has had a C-Section

    I am a small animal veterinarian, and that was the first thing I asked the surgeon. She thought I was crazy and said that could not be done at the same time.
  11. Timeless

    Breeding a mare that has had a C-Section

    No the colt was dead. He was HUGE. His head was turned backwards. The surgeon said he would have never made it through the birthcanal. She was due March 22 (340 days) and had C-section on April 29. I assumed she didn't take when I thought and secretly came back into heat. However, now I don't...
  12. Timeless

    Breeding a mare that has had a C-Section

    Just experienced my first dystocia that ended with a C-Section. I have decided to never breed this mare again and have her become a driving horse. My question is, how many of you have bred a mare that had a previous C-Section? I need to decide what I will do if this happens again. You cannot...
  13. Timeless

    Azariah's first foal of 2010 (updated 3/19 with DRY pix 12 hrs old page 4)

    Way to go Julie! She is beautiful. Lynn
  14. Timeless


    I'm so jealous! Congratulations.
  15. Timeless


    Congratulations!! Surely you've had time to take photos by now. I'm sure he is worth the wait.
  16. Timeless

    What I have learned

    Desi (Ravenwood Desires to Remember) sends hugs and well wishes to you and her new brother. I hear he resembles her a lot. Can't wait to meet him. I don't think it was a coincidence he was born yesterday.
  17. Timeless

    Who owns a Buckeroo mini

    I too got to play Let's Make a Deal and added a Buckeroo son to my herd. Thanks LKF! Little Kings Buckeroo Enterprise
  18. Timeless

    Congratulations on 30 Years of Mini Breeding

    Happy 30th!!! Elaine was my first mentor and continues to mentor me. She is always there to answer questions and give advice. Here's to another 30!
  19. Timeless

    Snowmegeddon 2010

    We don't expect to get snow like this in Virginia Ravenwood Desires To Remember[/SIZE] B Springhills Bucaneer Our newest addition Little Kings Buckeroo Enterprise The boys coming to dinner  
  20. Timeless

    Ultrasound machines

    For those of you who do your own ultrasound, what brand and model do you use. Thanks Lynn