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  1. S

    Question about helping the mini rescue and the dwarf research?

    Maybe they have a "DWARF" in their closet & don't want anyone knowing about it. : I have a dwarf and would like to know how it happened. : I would like a drawing. :saludando:
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    Oregon AMHR owners

    I would like to join a club. :saludando:
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    The stallion's name is Hoofbeat Acres Lil Dustbuster. He has foals in both A & R. Then a mare--Mini Trails Rosebud. AMHA only. I hardshipped her in AMHR, so I know there is no foals there. Thanks for any help. :saludando:
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    The mares name is Circle R Champagne N Lace. Would like to know if she has any foals. She is reg AMHA/AMHR. Thanks
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    Classic Tack

    See if anyone reading forum today has heard of Classic Tack Harnesses that would fit about 50" pony.
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    Horseehug's poll on dwarfism

    This is what I have done. I have a stallion that was born on a well known farm. All the foals that I know about are not dwarves. I have a mare that I have that had 2 normal foals, then when I bred her to this stallion she had a dwarf. The other foals born that year & since have all been normal...
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    Classic Tack

    Looking at a harness that the lady says the lable says Classic Tack. She thinks they might be in California. Any info about them would be great. Thanks
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    Can West Nile cause a stallion to be sterile?

    I have 2 stallions & have given them West Nile since they first came out. Have not had any breeding problems. Though I don't give a mare thats close to foaling a shot until after she foals.
  9. S


    Got a new computer for christmas. Finally getting things figured out. Got my package from Kathye (yellerroseintx). Love the box. Will put all other goodies to good use. Also to Bev, I see you got the package. Why wait till xmas to open, sounds like no one else is.
  10. S


    Got a new computer for christmas. Finally getting things figured out. Got my package from Kathye (yellerroseintx). Love the box. Will put all other goodies to good use. Also to Bev, I see you got the package. Why wait till xmas to open, sounds like no one else is.
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    Today Peaches is back on dry hay. Increasing the amount to get her back to her regular feed. She will be on Banamine paste at 2 doses a day for 3 more days. She is starting to get back to normal. Will know more after she's off the paste. She is tired of being in her stall, but it has been...
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    This started Wed night. First Rosie went down, acted like colic. Brought her to barn & a shot of Banamine. 30 minutes later she was ready to go again. By then Peaches went down. Same thing. Did same to her only she wasn't bouncing back. Next morning (5 AM) another shot Banamine. By 9 AM knew...
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    I have an AMHA printout for him. REG #48064. Born 2/3/86. Was told her was a national Champion in carts. Was last owned by Floyd Potter--Deceased. Anyone know who has him & when he was shown. He was in Oregon earlier this year. Either post or PM me. Thanks for any info.
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    Would like to know current owner & foals for a mare "MISTY BLUE MOON". Thanks
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    The mare is MINI TRAILS PEACHES. AMHA #A77750. Would like to know pedigree & any foals. The stallion is POTTERS TINKER TOY. Would like to know pedigree & show record. Thanks for any info.
  16. S

    This has been BUGGING me....

    My first mini was a "Just" mare. I bought her from Marguerite on payments for $650. (She's on my Avatar) I had to pay for her reg papers. I have access to 3 vets in which I have an open account to take my minis to anytime.
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    AMHA Lookup

    Looking for pedigree & current owner for Velvets Little Angel. Also if she has foaled. Thanks in advance.
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    Look-up...both AMHA and AMHR

    Most of Marguerite's horses were AMHA only.
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    VS in Yellowstone county Mt.

    Just got an email from BLS. they have cancelled the sales for August & September. They have rescheduled the mini sale for October 30.