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  1. S

    Prayers please ..... HELP

    UPDATE.... Kris is not doing well. The vet called and he is requesting to have Kris put to sleep. She is turning to the worst.... Jodi is not going to take this well. I also would like to thank a VERY sepical lady that donated $100 to Kris and Jodi. She wishes to remain anamous. THANK...
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    Prayers please ..... HELP

    Thank you ....Tapestry Minis.... Jodi is only 11 years old.
  3. S

    Prayers please ..... HELP

    My daughter Jodi and her horse is in need of many My daughter( Jodi Hurley ) owns, trains, shows and care for her own horses. She owns AQHA, APHA and AMHR horses. She worked so hard all year to train her 30" blue roan pinto gelding (Tex). She has him in the top ten in over 5 classes. Youth...
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    NATIONALS...I love seeing

    I like to see the youth train, show and own their own horses. We are not frowning on parents that send their kids to a handler/tariner.. But I think the kids learn more if it is done on their own.. of course with help. Jodi's grandpa says ... "We don't do her home work why would should we do...
  5. S

    Need AMHR look up on a mare

    Did you get your AMHR look up? If not... I can do it for you. Joy
  6. S

    What is your horses favorite

    Magic Mist True Copy's Freebird... LOVES.. Dr Pepper 2nd favorites... chips, Froot loops, Ice cream cones ( just the cones) Cotton candy, Carmel Apples, Pop corn, REALLY ANY FOOD THAT I'M EATTING..... He's Mom's baby...
  7. S

    Lookup Please!!

    You are welcome
  8. S

    Lookup Please!!

    HERE IT IS..... AMHR - 64771A BURKE'S SADIE Sex: MARE Color: CHESTNUT Height: 33.00" Mane & Tail: FLAXEN Date Foaled: 4/10/1995 Markings (1): FOUR SOCKS Date Registered: 11/21/1995 Markings (2): Current Owner: SAM OR JANIS BUCHER Markings (3): Breeder: WILLIAM...
  9. S

    Lookup Please!!

    I'll look it for you... Joy
  10. S

    Gasoline Prices Effect on Horse Market

    I have 3 horses for sale and 2 of those horses are " sale pending " I'm waiting on the $$$ which has been sent. I talked to the buyers and they will not let the gas prices change the market on thier horse buying. I'm also looking at buying..... ASPC/AMHR Black and white mare....
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    How much does a picture tell you?

    I like to see as many pictures as the seller will send or if they will send a video. Here is what happened to me and my daughter I bought a stallion... Looked GREAT ( in the pictures ) I asked Q's like: Are his teeth straight, are his legs straight, does he travel in line. How is his...
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    Go get'em girl You got Now wasn't that fun
  13. S

    Where is the breed going?

    Are we a hight breed or a type breed? Yes... I know the answer... I just want some to answer it for themself.
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    Foalproof tests

    I used " foal Proof " and they were accurate. More accurate than my vet. I'm going to use them again....
  15. S

    Lets see your... Dilute colored horses!!

    I have a few buckskins.... Magic Mist True Copys Freebird, Buckskin/white This -N -That's Matt Dillon , Buckskin/white Apaches Overo Kid Stars Magic Serra Rose Tiny Hoovs Hollie Dun It
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    What about inbreeding 7 -8 times in the blood line? I think that is wrong... So many BAD traits can and will come out...
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    Frosty's dead

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    Photo shoot at your ranch

    A BIG THANK YOU TO MAGIC FOR LETTING US BUY MAGIC MIST TRUE COPY'S FREEBIRD.... Now if I can talk Magic out of another fine horse.
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    Photo shoot at your ranch

    She is our keeper. We keep ONLY one foal a year. She is the one. She looks like her Dad and she moves like him also. Nice movement