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  1. S

    Photo shoot at your ranch

    Sorry no pics of Mom.. But I do have a before and after. Before her make over I love to take pictures. I get bussy at this time of year with babies offered for sale. I mostly take pictures of Quarter horses and Paints. I hope to expand to the miniatures and ponies.
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    Photo shoot at your ranch

    We had a photo shoot at our place today. Babies are so tuff to take pictures of. They just don't stand still.... Here is our last filly of the year. Buckskin filly, Star's Magic Serra Rose. Sire: Magic Mist True Copy's Freebird. Here she is: Sire:
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    Anyone going to a show this weekend?

    We are going to a show in Logan UT " MWMHSPO " We are taking 11. Showing in just about EVERYTHING . We love to show.....
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    The mini stud I posted for Critique

    WOW.... Looking BETTER ....... GREAT JOB ! ! ! !
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    Is this a good picture or should I retake

    Here is one more picture.
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    Is this a good picture or should I retake

    Please add a responce. Advice is welcome..... My husband doesn't like the picture of my stallion This -N - Thats Matt Dillon . What do you think
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    Show your true roans

    Here is my blue roan. Woodstocks North Domino's Debonaire. Yearling Stallion. This picture was taken last weekend at a show in Ogden UT.
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    So does anyone know anything about

    Hey Lisa.... I looked in the premium book and I didn't see Novice class. Novice class are a GREAT idea ! !
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    YAHOOO a new Pony ! ! !

    Sorry that we haven't been back with a update..... The owner called , stopped buy. He wanted his pony. Yes the pony is Classic w/papers . The owner went to halter the pony and the pony charged him. The pony NEVER did this to us. The man said he would be back with help. He has not returned...
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    YAHOOO a new Pony ! ! !

    It would be GREAT if Bonnie would talk to him. I wish she would ask him.. Who is he? Where did he come from? Tell him I'm not going to hurt him. I love him already. He has sweet gentle eyes. He wants to trust and be loved. I can see that in his eyes when I pet him. He has not had much done to...
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    YAHOOO a new Pony ! ! !

    I checked NetPosse. Why would a pony be running lose for over 4 weeks. I had the vet out to give him shots, deworm and just a check over. He is healthy and 4 yrs old. My vet REALLY liked him. He is a VERY nice looking pony ... he MUST have good bloodlines. Why and how did a pony with such GREAT...
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    YAHOOO a new Pony ! ! !

    We are afraid to name him. He is 44" and boy can he move . I wish I could hardship in ASPC... If I don't find owners and they don't have papers... he will be JUST a unreg pony.... If I find the owners and he does have papers. I'm going to offer to buy him.... I will have my pony...
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    YAHOOO a new Pony ! ! !

    I hope the pictures post. He does have a mark on him... But the owner will have to tell me where the parks are.
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    YAHOOO a new Pony ! ! !

    UPDATE : The sherriff called back. They said that he has been running loose for over 4 weeks. NO ONE has clamed him. They tried to catch him last week. He was not hard to catch for us. The sherriff said if no one clames him in 3 days he is MINE ! . If they want him back ... the owners MUST...
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    YAHOOO a new Pony ! ! !

    I was awoke this morning to squealing at 5am. I ran to the window.. I couldn't beleave my eyes A PONY A beauitful bay mahgany( sp ) bay. STALLION ... Woke my husband... " thanks for the PONY... But you could have put him in a stall . I wish he was mine.... WOW WOW... super...
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    Hot Walkers

    I use a hot walker also. I also use roundpen and treadmill. On hot days my horses LOVE to swim ! ! ( not all horses like to swim ) Our hot walker is a big horse size. I use it for my Quarter horses, Paint and my minis. I like my hot walker.
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    Show off your little stallions

    I agree Miniv.... VERY nice line up of beautiful LITTLE BOYS! Keep posting the little ones. I LOVE it. SHOW OFF THOSE LITTLE BOYS ! ! Still looking at stallions. I love the BIG BOYS also. I mostly see BIG BOYS and I enjoy looking at the little boys. There is a need and demand for ALL...
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    Show factors

    Price....... gets my attention first. If the classes costs to much per class then we will take less horses OR we don't go and show at another show were the PRICE of classes and better. We love the shows that have a unlimited classes ( ie... $50 for as many classes per horse ) We end up showing...
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    Show off your little stallions

    CONGRATS... to ALL ... I have seen sooooo many VERY nice stallions. I don't see very many nice little stallions were I live. Most are 32 and up. ( which mine are in that hight ) There is a place for BIG and LITTLE stallions.... I like ALL sizes of miniatures. It seems like the little...
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    Show off your little stallions

    They ALL look GREAT ! ! I wish I had a little stallion to post....