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  1. Becky Horat

    Mini Crown & Aero Crown comparison

    Thanks so much for the info!!! That really helps us. We love our Mini Crown and although not wanting to spend quite that much for another cart....figured we didn't want to get something and not be happy with it. We are finding we either go with a low budget $500 cart or next step up is...
  2. Becky Horat

    Mini Crown & Aero Crown comparison

    We have a Bell Crown (Mini Crown) and still trying to decide what to get for our second cart. Weren't really wanting to spend quite that much and not ready to do the hyper bike....yet. But, really like the Mini Crown and thinking might just go with another one of these. But want to know what...
  3. Becky Horat


    Oops, I just noticed we were supposed to choose a category for our photos. This one will be in the cart/carriage category. Thanks!!
  4. Becky Horat


    This was our Christmas Card photo this year. We were taking the photo ourselves with camera on timer. And you know how that works. Set the timer and try to get into the photo "briskly" without startling everyone. I want to know with all the new technology, why camera auto timers are only 10...
  5. Becky Horat

    Cart Opinions

    Good to hear about the GS Trail Cart...thank you. Have thought of the Hyper Bike.....does it come with steel wheels? or do they have the same wire wheel issues as bigger carts? Does anyone have any feedback on the Buggy Bob, Silver Penney or North West Mini Tack wooden easy entry carts? We...
  6. Becky Horat

    Cart Opinions

    Need opinon on Carts. We have a nice Bellcrown (MiniCrown) cart and love it. We are looking for a second cart for my husband to drive, but not able to spend that kind of money again. We will be using it for trail driving as well as some arena work. Since we've had a wire wheel cart...
  7. Becky Horat

    Driving Bit Question

    Yes, this little mare had only been driven in show ring situations. You bet we're doing lots of ground driving down the road and out on our wonderful "driving trails." Surprising enough, she is awesome!! I think she enjoys it...although she's having to learn that the ground isn't always...
  8. Becky Horat

    Walk like a Duck!

    I still have a hard time treating the little ones like a "real" horse. My big horses and even shetland pony, I am very strict with. I am constantly correcting myself to not let the little ones get away with lack of manners just because they're so dang cute. Don't get me wrong, we still...
  9. Becky Horat

    Driving Bit Question

    Again, I appreciate all the bit suggestions and like to see what different types you like or dislike. Which is what I was mainly trying to find out. I guess I should ad,this little mare is not at all "hard mouthed" and I'm not looking for a quick fix to by pass good basic training. My main...
  10. Becky Horat

    Driving Bit Question

    Good idea on putting the bit in a closed fist to get an idea what the horse feels.....not sure why I've never thought of that before, duh. I think I will try staying with the butterfly bit and finding a "non-broken" mouth piece to try. I need to start building a selection of Mini and also pony...
  11. Becky Horat

    Driving Bit Question

    I would suggest getting the same sort of bit with a bar mouth piece and seeing if she goes into it more readily. The butterfly is my bit of choice for a slightly stronger horse but I would never consider using one with a curb cheek on it- try a bar mouthpiece, I think you will be pleased with...
  12. Becky Horat

    Driving Bit Question

    I should ad that I do a LOT of work on halts/standing and she's pretty good. Not quite as consistant while driving down the road, but is getting much better. She's not a nervous/anxious type horse at all, but I believe most all of her training and driving has been arena work. We are also...
  13. Becky Horat

    Driving Bit Question

    She's 12yrs. and had many years of driving training and showing. She's been sitting for several years. We just bought her 2 months ago. We've done/doing lots of ground driving and working on a more relaxed headset and making progress. I prefer the snaffle type bits and am using this for all...
  14. Becky Horat

    Driving Bit Question

    Need suggestions on what type of bit to try. Driving our 12yr mare in a Butterfly Bit with French Link mouth piece. At times, she seems like she could use something with a little more "whoa." I currently have reins in the snaffle rings. I did try adding curb strap and put the reins in the...
  15. Becky Horat

    How much weight is safe??

    Also new to driving Minis. We are starting to drive our 33 inch Mini out on trails. They are mostly flat but have a few little hills....nothing too steep. She has never been out of an arena and I am getting her in condition gradually and figuring she has to "learn" to pull up little hills...