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  1. Becky Horat

    Beet Pulp...make them look bloated?

    Decided to try 3 of our show horses on Beet Pulp. I started out with 3/4 cup (dry) shredded and then soaked in water with their Stable Mix Pellets. I noticed a difference immediately. They were filled in over their topline, but also seemed to look more bloated. I reduced it to about 1/2 cup...
  2. Becky Horat

    Where to get wooden cart for CDE?

    I have to agree with Sugar Baby. We had a Mini Crown and ended up selling it for most of the reasons she mentioned. The main reason was the weight of the cart. Our Minis are just around 34". We drive in the hills...which are designed for driving. Even the best pulling of our horses still...
  3. Becky Horat

    Where to get wooden cart for CDE? We bought the wooden EZ entry cart and have both wooden wheels and their heavy duty spoked wire wheels. This is a great cart. It's very lightweight and well balanced. Pam is wonderful to deal with too. We do a lot of trail driving in this cart and it's very...
  4. Becky Horat

    Cart Cover

    Thanks Kandi. Already got it. It fits pretty well, actually. See you tomorrow.
  5. Becky Horat

    Cart Shaft and Breast Collar Question

    I do obstacle driving as well, and have had this problem a few times. It's always corrected itself w/ no problems when I move forward again. If I remember correctly, I believe it's when the horse has too much lateral bend in his neck versus keeping his body straight. Seems like it only...
  6. Becky Horat

    Footman Loop aka Tug Stop Question

    Keep up the good work. You'll be out and about in no time soon. Pretty little horse too.
  7. Becky Horat

    Footman Loop aka Tug Stop Question

    Looks great!!! So fun to have them hooked up successfully for the first time. Congratulations.
  8. Becky Horat

    Footman Loop aka Tug Stop Question

    sorry...just noted you did post a picture. Looks like your cart has neither shaft stops/footman's loop...but trace carriers (plastic loops for running your traces through). If you are going to use a breeching, you need to ad the footman's loops. The shaft stops are a good idea and I added...
  9. Becky Horat

    Footman Loop aka Tug Stop Question

    On our Frontier cart there is a metal loop that serves as both purposes, I believe. It is in the position of a shaft stop, but the metal loop is also used for the breeching (footman's loop). It's in the proper position for the stop, but is a little more forward than I'd like for a footman's...
  10. Becky Horat

    Cart Cover these fit the Jerald show carts too? I've looked at those. Might have to try it. Thank you
  11. Becky Horat

    Cart Cover

    Looking for a cart cover for one of our Jerald show carts. Wondering if anyone has used the covers from Ozark with these carts and if it fits well? Or have you used another "off brand" successfully??
  12. Becky Horat

    Cart Cover

    Looking for a cart cover for one of our Jerald show carts. Wondering if anyone has used the covers from Ozark with these carts and if it fits well? Or have you used another "off brand" successfully??
  13. Becky Horat

    Obstacle/jumping classes with a too smart horse

    Another thought....if there is any way to get your horse in the ring before or after the class, do it!! I know we've had a few occasions to practice in the ring the night they already had obstacles set up. My horse hated the blue bridge.....was so glad to get him over it. You may...
  14. Becky Horat

    Obstacle/jumping classes with a too smart horse

    I show these classes as well and although am not having same issues as you, I know my horses always work differently in the ring than anywhere else. They're young and green and I know they just need a lot of ring time still. It's frustrating when the basic obstacle that I drill and drill at...
  15. Becky Horat

    Measuring in at a Show....and being too big

    I was wondering just that too....if they "don't measure in" if it draws a red flag. So you find they still grow after 3yrs?? Interesting...
  16. Becky Horat

    Measuring in at a Show....and being too big

    Thank you Jean B. So far my horses have been fine. A friend of mine has just leased a horse that is an awesome driving horse. She is in her teens and has had a few babies? She has been shown a lot in AMHA (in her adult years) and been to the World. I think she was pretty close to 34."...
  17. Becky Horat

    Measuring in at a Show....and being too big

    Have always wondered what happens when you enter a show (AMHA or AMHR) and have a horse that is really close to 34" and does NOT measure in. Do you get your entry fees back?
  18. Becky Horat

    Question about squaring up?

    I was new to asking a horse to "square up" on command. Did lots of studying and they all said "keep using a command and set them up by hand and then reward them." Yeah right, I thought. Well, I have 2 that will move their own feet to position them every time I stop and face I would for...
  19. Becky Horat

    overchecks and grass snatching ponies

    I agree that training should be the first priority, but safety is number one. And not all horses are the same. We do a lot of trail driving with several horses. 2 or our horses are fine and we do not use any checks on them while on the drives. We have one that is relentless. He is busy with his...
  20. Becky Horat


    We love our Andis clippers. I'm a dog groomer and have had many sets. They have held up under daily use for many years. When needed to purchase another clipper last year, I decided to contact the clipper sharpeners/repair facility (they are a major sharpen/repair for groomers) and ask their...