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  1. Deborah B

    What do you think about "Electrobraid Fence" ?

    Love it! 4 Strands keeps the minis in, 3 strands for the horses. Not 1 injury or escape.
  2. Deborah B

    Mane length and shape ???

    This is my stallions mane all natural. Really like long manes myself. I cringe when he rubs his mane on the fence. Kokanee Ranch
  3. Deborah B

    New on The forum / How to get to know others

    Big Hi from BC Canada Middle age farm wife here 9 horses 1 dog. Seem to have poor luck posting pictures but trust me we are all cute. lo :bgrin l Welcome
  4. Deborah B

    The good and bad of the week

    Rob Well congratulations on the new horse. Sorry about the job thing too. Hope you find a new great job soon!
  5. Deborah B

    Protecting Your Miniature Horse From Predators...

    When we moved to our place we had coyotes all over and at least 1 bear that was hanging around the pasture and had a trail right by our house. So how do you keep a bear out that has made himslef at home. We put up Electrobraid 4 strands and really love it so far. 1 1/2 years. It is easy to...
  6. Deborah B

    Anyone have pics of the following...

    :bgrin Thanks wewindwalker. I guess I am not very good at posting photos.
  7. Deborah B

    Anyone have pics of the following...

    Well here is Kewpies Topper of Arenosa <IMG SRC="" and here is Charro <IMG SRC="" I don't have any pictures of the others.
  8. Deborah B

    Clipper blades

    Okay We bought one of those. It did not work at all. So if you want to buy one cheap I will sell you mine! :bgrin
  9. Deborah B

    Happy Birthday Mary Lou!

    Yes Indeed! Big Birthday Wishs to you!
  10. Deborah B


    Please add me as well. Thanks Kokanee Ranch BC Canada
  11. Deborah B

    Update on stallion with crested neck

    Please keep us updated. I am so sorry ths happen to you. It does give internet sales a bad blemish. If this is the colt I think it is. I was very interested in him too.
  12. Deborah B

    Anyone recognize these???

    Rob Crater 100 Teri Rd Burbank, WA 99323 This is from his website He sold me my clippers.
  13. Deborah B

    Carbons PMC Halter pic

    She is lovely!
  14. Deborah B

    Found a great site on diet

    Hey great find and thanks for sharing it!
  15. Deborah B

    SAMPLE of this forums importance

    Let me join the bandwagon here. This forum is a valuable tool for sharing information. I know that I am not getting vet advice, but getting wisdom from many horse people that has proved so valuable to my horses. Minis can have special needs that all vets do not have practice in. My daughters...
  16. Deborah B

    Sad day

    How very sad. I had never even heard of hyperlipemia until a few months ago and I lost a mare that I had just bought 8 days before to this. It was heartbreaking to watch and all the time and vet bills could do nothing to save her. She had a 3 month old foal at her side that is well and growing...
  17. Deborah B

    ESTABLO comes to CANADA!!!!!

    oh Wow! I am in love with your new horse.
  18. Deborah B

    Hiya everyone, new member here from WA

    Almost forgot Congratulations on your new horse!
  19. Deborah B

    Hiya everyone, new member here from WA

    Hey There Stacy! It is me Deb, Shasta's mom. Welcome to the club. We will all hook up this summer then. It will be fun! I am so glad you have the mini bug too.....