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  1. Deborah B

    Pic of my new mini...still alot of work to do..

    hi pretty girl! Both the filly and the owner... Shasta's mom
  2. Deborah B

    New Results are up!!! AMHR Nationals!

    Thanks for the info and the link!
  3. Deborah B

    Trip to Ann Simmon's Farm!!!

    With all the horror of Katrinia it is such a wonderful and kind thing you did helping out SeaHorse Farms. Your new baby is a love what a beautiful head! Blessings to you.
  4. Deborah B

    I really need help with this filly...

    Holy Cow What a change in your gelding Lauralee! You did a fantastic job of bring him around.
  5. Deborah B

    My Results from Central Point AMHR Show

    Way to go Rob and Queso!
  6. Deborah B

    Look at how she's grown!

    love her! Way to go...
  7. Deborah B

    Not Sure I Ever Made this Announcement

    I have seen her. She is awesome and ought to be a blue ribbion winner again in the show ring!
  8. Deborah B

    Lost a beautiful colt today

    Yikes What bad news! Hope you have had your run of bad luck and have healthy foals from now on. I too am sorry for your loss.
  9. Deborah B

    HI y'all

    Welcome from BC Canada!
  10. Deborah B

    My new filly

    She is really nice! Is she AMHA size or over? Is she part Arenosa?
  11. Deborah B

    My Evergreen Results..............

    Happy for you Rob! You really do have some nice horses!
  12. Deborah B

    Blade Sharpener

    How about a clipper sharpening service in Canada? Any ideas on a good one.
  13. Deborah B

    Finally Got the Cart finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow That's a classy cart! You ought to be proud.