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  1. Eohippus

    Dental question

    Yep! Every fall and spring shot session all of our horses (big and mini) get a full exam too. Teeth are always checked. We had one mini gelding (Cody) who didn't need his teeth done up until a year or two ago. But my little guy (Kinson) had to get them done for the first time at two and is due...
  2. Eohippus

    Kinson Plays Soccer

    Just a cute video of Kinson enjoying playing with one of the huge horse soccer balls http://www.facebook....v=2442603504685
  3. Eohippus

    Do you show your miniatures?

    1. Yes; I do, my mother does, my best friend/ex does, and my little brother does. 2. (In order from names listed above) 22, 44, 26, and 14.
  4. Eohippus

    Even more frustrated now...

    Straight people can screw the system now though...? I too have known those who've done it. I've known gay couples who've married other gay couples (i.e. lesbian couple marries a gay couple) to receive benefits. After all, how do you prove now that two people who are getting married are really...
  5. Eohippus

    Color help!!

    He looks *just* like my smokey black little guy (right down to the connect star/snip). When clipped he gets that pewter color too. His sire was a smokey black tobiano and his dam was a palomino. His coat sort of varies between summer, winter, and clipped. Not a whole body picture, but its...
  6. Eohippus


    What worries me about our locally (Arizona) grown Alfalfa is blister beetles. In the SE region of the state they're a big problem, so I've heard from many farms/breeders/trainers/etc out here no to buy Alfalfa (and to error on the safe side any hay even though they feed on legumes like Alfalfa...
  7. Eohippus

    2 year olds first show

    He's a little chunk but I think he's adorable! He's certainly got that stallion neck on him! He's a cutie, congrats on all your wins and to your mom for her first show! I hope she had lots of fun (thats most important) and she wants to do it again
  8. Eohippus

    Equine Herpes virus outbreak

    Its hitting closer to home too. People I know personally have been quarantined/come in contact with it (our full size horse trainer/riding instructor). We've started to take our horses temps daily, only because its hitting so close to home now. Just want to be on the safe side of things. I'm...
  9. Eohippus

    Top Chef using horse meat as ingredient

    I'm always on the fence about this issue. I know people have pet cattle and in some countries animals Americans eat are considered sacred and not eaten. I eat meat but only meat that my father's friend raised or animals that we've hunted. I don't eat grocery store meat, I'm not a fan of the...
  10. Eohippus

    Equine Herpes virus outbreak

    I was curious to see if donkeys were able to get EHV-1. Everything I read said no. I found a research journal that confirmed this: Just thought this was interesting, makes me wonder about mules. While I'm not in a panic about...
  11. Eohippus


    This is mine, I put up an ad on craigslist saying what I was looking for and a breeder that I knew emailed me saying she had one for sale and everything just worked out perfectly. I know you can buy wagons/buggys online, is really popular and I've heard excellent things about them. I...
  12. Eohippus

    8 Horses Die in Barn Fire - Arson Suspected

    Ugh. Gotta love people and their ignorance sometimes. Things like this make me nervous to have horses in a way. I guess that's what good fences and guard dogs are for (then again if they're willing to kill horses I'm sure harming a dog wouldn't have been a problem either). Makes me sick to my...
  13. Eohippus

    Bully problem resolved

    I've been reading and watching your posts. I'm so glad something finally got done and things are finally working out! You'll have to keep us updated on how your daughter does in her new school I also wanted to say that I've learned a lot from your experience. I'm graduating in December with my...
  14. Eohippus


    I got exciting thinking this was about pet mice (I recently acquired 2) haha I should've known better! Cats (from my experience) only work if they're not really pets but more feral and if you don't feed them but make them rely on the mice for food. Thankfully we don't have a problem with mice...
  15. Eohippus

    just curious

    I've heard that too, its why I opted out of a draft style harness for my gelding. He's stout but I wanted to make harness work as easy and pleasant as possible. I didn't want to have to constantly worry about the fit of the collar, not to mention it would require more clipping in the winter to...
  16. Eohippus

    Training advice requested

    Yes! Love this method! I used this in my mustang mare and while she's kind of nutty in the saddle still she's got amazing ground manners because of it. I've also used it on all three minis and sometimes Kinson even needs a reminder being a young stallion, but it works amazingly. Avalon was...
  17. Eohippus

    just curious

    If you do decide to go with this harness just be extra careful with fitting the collar. Ill fitting collars can do a lot of harm. But I'll admit I love the draft harness look/style! If you have an antique carriage/cart it could be used with that (depending on the carriage/cart) and AMHR offers a...
  18. Eohippus

    Varnish roan?

    We've got one! I need to take some better pictures, with an actual nice clip job. His spots on his rump are dime size or smaller so they're often hard to see. In his varnishing you can see a lot of spots though! Starchief Color Code, aka "Cody"
  19. Eohippus

    Lost our first foal

    I'm reading the posts and watching my lap dog, curled up, asleep on her bed a few feet away. I couldn't even begin to imagine coming home to a scene like that. I'm so sorry about what happened, Relic. A person should have never to witness that nor face the choice you did. But as I'm sitting...