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  1. Eohippus

    Need some help

    I like Mountain View's Catch of the Bay, its cute. Playing off it you could do Mountain View's Lil' Fish in the Bay/Mountain View's Lil Fish inna (big) Bay. Captain Crunch's ship is named Guppy (random fact, I know!) so you can go with a cereal theme and do Mountain View's Captain Crunch haha.
  2. Eohippus

    Fun with clipping

    We clipped Missy (mostly) the other day for a show, but we didn't get to do her legs (it was her first time every being clipped) so we opted out of showing. But seeing her clipped (pictures once we get her legs done!) made we want to clip Kinson. He has a show in a few weeks anyway, so I figured...
  3. Eohippus

    What do you think of this new findings

    Its not actually changing, thankfully. My sign would change from Gemini to Taurus (which I'm definitely not) and my gf's would change from leo/virgo (she's right on the cusp and different according to different sources) to a solid leo. Of course she joked that she would welcome and wanted a new...
  4. Eohippus

    A getting ready list

    Asking the seller for halter sizes is good but even better is asking for measurements. With my minis brand "A" they might wear large but brand "B" they might be extra large yet brand "C" they're medium! My stallion came with a halter but it was very poor quality and actually caused some injury...
  5. Eohippus


    I have to agree with that. I understand many people rode ponies when younger but that doesn't mean it was right or didn't hurt the horse. Look at how many people smoked in the 50s. We didn't have the knowledge then to tell us that it wasn't healthy. We do now. Its only recent that people have...
  6. Eohippus

    Teeth Photos

    That would be great! I'll send you a PM with my email address. Thank you so so much!
  7. Eohippus

    Teeth Photos

    Wow, this is a great post. Very educational and those are some awesome pictures. I've never seen a mini skull before, only full size. Its neat to see the differences. Would you mind if I shared these pictures with my vet? I'm sure she'd like to see them!
  8. Eohippus

    What do you or your trainer use to "bait" your halter horse

    For our mare, Missy, we have to try new things every time. We've still yet to run across something that REALLY works. For all the boys we use treats/pellets and tic-tacs (still in the container). I like to be able to give the tictacs a little rattler, which usually catches their attention pretty...
  9. Eohippus

    Homeschooled for minis!

    Books and DVDs are a great help when training your filly. If you can I recommend getting a trainer too. Not to completely train your filly but to be there and help you when you get stuck, offer advice, and make sure you're going in the right direction with out over doing it. Young ones can be...
  10. Eohippus

    Overo Breeding.

    From what I understand, since the LWO+ is the frame overo gene then you have a chance of producing a frame when breeding LWO+ to LWO- (I've seen loudly marked frame overo's come from solid mares, the sire was the LWO carrier)
  11. Eohippus

    Overo Breeding.

    Is it frame overo? Where the white is on the sides but not top and bottom of the horse? Like on Apache Moon?
  12. Eohippus

    Testings for a Pinto colt

    I think LWO is always good to check with breeding stock if there's any pinto in the line. My stallion, Kinson, might be LWO+ (he's being tested this year since he'll start breeding this year, hopefully) but just looking at him you'd never guess to test him, as he's so minimally marked. But his...
  13. Eohippus

    Overo Breeding.

    Overo is tricky! My stallion has a star, snip, and little bit of white on a leg and we think he's LWO+ being he has a lot of paint and overo in his lines . He's getting tested this season (no need to do it before as he wasn't breeding yet). What unusual marks of overo are you talking about...
  14. Eohippus

    Purina's New Feed

    Back when I got my pinto gelding I was told to feed him Platform. No one carried it so I used what my big horses were using at the time, strategy (along with grass hay, but we have very good quality grass hay in Az). He's done great on that mix and I considered switching but.. Why fix something...
  15. Eohippus

    What your horses wear to shows

    Like most every one, it depends on the weather for me. My two little ones ride in a van, not trailer, so they never wear anything. My trailer is being remodeled (but still safe to use for horses) so the geldings will usually wear a sheet so primer doesn't rub off on their coats (as it sometimes...
  16. Eohippus

    Homeschooled for minis!

    I wish I could have been home schooled in high school in order to progression my horses! That was my dream. Have fun with your little girl, she sounds like she's going to be spoiled
  17. Eohippus

    Lets see YOU!

    This is a fun thread! I'm glad it was started, I love putting a face to the name And my favorite picture of me and my gelding, Avalon
  18. Eohippus

    Midgee Petite

    I love that color, she's so cute! She seems like a real blast to be around
  19. Eohippus

    Lost my lil baby girl

    Sorry for your loss, that's never an easy thing no matter what the pet and what their age
  20. Eohippus

    Farm names

    Last I read AMHA was $150 to register a prefix. I think trademarks are hard to get in addition to being expensive. I know there's a lot that goes into them (paper work, information, proof of i don't even remember what, etc). My old boss has looked into it for their company and it was turned down...