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    i did get mine last week, but its so busy that i havent had a chance to post!!! Kaelin Porter was my secret santa!!! THANKS!! i got a really cute lil ornament with santa carrying a foal in his bag.. a pack of playing cards from Las Vegas, a las vegas key chain, a box of peppermint candy and a...
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    New to LB from WA state ;) "Hello!"

    Hi! and welcome! I am Becca , we have 18 or so minis lol we are in idaho!! this is a great site, very imfomative and everyone is sooo nice!! btw your boy is beautiful!!
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    Ever broken a metatarsal?

    i have never broken a metatarsal, but i have broken my ankle! i feel for you! hugs and sending healing thoughts!
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    How small is...

    our stallion cash is the smallest besides the foals from this year. he is just under 31 inches tall . i have a filly that was born this year that is looking to mature at 30
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    it was very sad when our mare died, she was pregnant for the first time. i still miss her every day. but my farm will always be Shadow Paints miniatures, and ill always have a part of her. i too love hearing about others farm names!
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    Shadow Paints Miniatures no we dont nesicarily raise paints (although i DO LOVE some chrome) Years ago, i bought my first horse. She was beautiful, a red dun QH mare by Sir quincy dan and out of Zella Bar. my dream mare. my heart mare. she was everything. she was the first horse i ever trained...
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    Secret Santa HINT THREAD!!

    dear santa- I am not hard to please!! I love christmas, i put up 4 trees LOL i collect christmas ornaments.. my favorite color is blue. i dont like flowery stuff. i have a lot of allergies to smelly lotions and bath stuff so none of that. we have minis of all shapes and sizes.. we also have 3...
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    What is your favorite color of horse?

    i LOVE red duns.. i love chrome too!! that being said i do not own a red dun mini... i havent found the one yet! haha! i dont have a lot of horses with white either ... kinda 50/50 i am partial to blacks and bays tho! lol
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    Foaling is right around the corner

    im anxious too!! we bred 3 mares.. and got a mare that was exposed.. so possibly 4 due.. i think one came back in tho, but i didnt check her LOL our first one is due in feb. and we also have goats due too!
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    question about an ad on the sale board!!

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    question about an ad on the sale board!!

    i saw a ad on the sale board the other day that had a weanling bay filly that i fell in love with and now the ad is gone!! I cant remember the farm name, or much about the ad , but i believe it had something on there like ' we dont sell our horses for 500 like some and dont sell them for ( i...
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    Moon Danze update

    thank you!! i am waiting to hear back from my vet...
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    Moon Danze update

    I would like to ask if your filly had diarehha?? i have a yearling filly that barely eats, has diarehha and is thin. im waiting on fresh poop to take a sample to the vet.. but im also wondering if i should take blood in also?? she has been treated for ulcers by a previous owner but i didnt...
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    Foaling Camera Delimmas that is the camera we have in our barn and we love it!! for the camera and 100 feet of cable the power supply and shipping it was 109.00 we plan on ordering...
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    Foaling Camera Delimmas that is the camera we have in our barn and we love it!! for the camera and 100 feet of cable the power supply and shipping it was 109.00 we plan on ordering...
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    2010 AMHR National Candid photos

    beautiful horses!! congrats on your winnings!! i only WISH that someday i will own one of your horses!
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    How many foals are you expecting for 2011?

    we bred 3 mares to our stallion, one came back into heat last week and a new mare was exposed to a stallion but she hasnt come in again sooo we have a possible 3 foals due next year
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    Body clip opinions

    i was wondering about light palominos?? my stallion is a LIGHT palomino pinto, and freshly clipped he looks grey? should i just clip him the week before?? or still clip him the day before??
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    horrific case of neglect

    sending a ton of prayers to this precious little fellow!!! i sure hope that he pulls through this!! ill be looking for updates