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  1. S

    the filly fairy loved us this year, some pics of our foals so far!

    wel i know i havent posted our foals yet, but so far its been 1 colt and 4 fillies, one mare left to foal in july. first 3 foals are by our palomino pinto stallion, Sierra Golds Kiwi Cash 31 inches tall . the other 2 foals are by our senior black tobiano Stallion Mountian Meadows Ds Super...
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    Palomino woes

    we clip him with a 10. i guess i could clip him with a 5 but im worried that wouldnt be short enough. we also have previously clipped 2-4 weeks before.. but its like once i clip that color is gone, and it doesnt come back till next year
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    Palomino woes

    i wonder, if i clipped him then kept his blankets on him would that help his color come back ?
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    My New Mare

    WOW!! i am in love! congrats!
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    Palomino woes

    I am needing to find a way to better my palomino stallions color after he is clipped! when he sheds out, he is a rich color, just breath taking, but after clipping , he is nearly white! here are some examples this is him before. sorry about him not standing right, and his front right foot...
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    Are you ready?

    we are super self sufficent. we raise our own chicken, beef, and pork every year. this year we will have goat meat again,goat meat doesnt last too long here.. and goat milk. we also trade fresh eggs and some meat for veggies from our neighbors if we dont have a garden every year. i plan on...
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    Miniatures make big news at local farm show!!

    i honestly tried to watch the video but every 2 seconds it would buffer. i have never been interested in the horse pulling, i prefer all the other awesome stuff the minis can do!!
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    Frustrating fact...

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    Frustrating fact...

    oh man! where is the like button when you need it!! great response!
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    Can I see your Christmas tree?

    we put up 4 trees every year honoring my great grama who used to put up 7 trees, all with hand made ornaments. i didnt get good pics this year, i have a better camera now so hoping next year! lol beautiful trees all!
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    Frustrating fact...

    i am , and always will be for gay marriage. my sister, who lives in oregon with her partener were able to get their Domestic partenership' . i know that they were happy to get it, and i am happy for them. living here in idaho, i know of several couples that cannot get married. i believe that...
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    Santa made my kids very happy this year

    beck, your kids deserved it! they were so cute! travis cant believe it still!! merry christmas!! now we wait for your mini to be born LOL
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    interesting. i have always fed second crop alfalfa. has more nutrition than the grass hay. i am careful not to get my minis overly fat . never have had one founder either
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    your welcome!! glad you love everything!! :p i love this! its soooo much fun!
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    got mine to day. a beautiful blanket in my favorite color! looks hand made and is pretty big. thanks can always use more blankets and some yummy wisconsin cheese in the shape of the state wisconson no doubt! and some little candies. thanks to mooselmjash i adore everything
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    mine went out today should be there by tuesday/wensday... i hope she LOVES IT! lol still have not recived mine tho LOL i paitently wait.. every day the mail man drives toward my house, my heart races!
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    how many kids do you have

    we have 2 daughters. mackenzie is 7 and kaylaSue is 6 . we want more, and looks like we will be able to add maybe next year!
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    I have a secret

    you better! Bonkers is gonna beat mikey someday! lol
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    I have a secret

    lol no prob beck, you have sure been a great asset to our farm and cant wait to see the look on the kids faces! lol and you and the kids can show right along side of us! :p