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  1. S

    my new look

    i was raised with a family that didnt like makeup, or making oneself look good. i have for years wore my hair shoulder length and i have no idea how to put make up on. just throw the hair into a ponytail, and go... yesterday, i decided to do something for my self. i got a styleish hair cut and...
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    photo editors

    wow lori that is awesome! lol that isnt a bandage, its a piece of tape that was on the cage! LOL you can remove that :)thanks again! it looks great!
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    photo editors

    i need the impossible done..i need the cage gone from this pic.. is it possible?
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    Tease Looking Close? Maybe? Hopefully?

    oh wow a maiden even.. ill have 2 of those next year!
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    Tease Looking Close? Maybe? Hopefully?

    ugh! my mare twitch went 340... i about died! praying for a foal for u soon!
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    Mares Udder and Private area development before foaling

    have a few mares that sometimes bag HUGE and sometimes have a tiny bag and bag up at the last minute. i dont know if thats any help, but sending hugs and prayers that she will foal soon with a healthy baby and mom!!
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    Having baby

    CONGRATS!!! cant wait to see pics!
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    Having baby

    sending prayers for a safe delivery and a healthy momma and baby!! cant wait to hear !
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    i think we are nearly there!

    i posted pics on a new thread!!
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    last foal for us for this season!

    twitch foaled around 10:30pm my time last nite.... YAY! a healthy minimal pinto colt!! he is SOOOO red!! here are some pics! ill get more when he unfolds! i love him! we are calling him "spinner' no idea on a registered name yet!
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    Colostrum Bank

    i have 60 cc of colostrum from my mare that foaled last nite. should be enough for one foal!! im in IDaho
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    i think we are nearly there!

    we have cow pies for poo now and a steady drip of milk, nearly streaming!
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    i think we are nearly there!

    twitch is now dripping white milk!
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    Mare bleeding from teats

    i had a mare last year that post foaling, i think it was 2-3 days later, she all of a sudden had bright blood instead of milk. the foal got very sick. it was NOT mastitis. we ended up bottle feeding the filly for 2 weeks until the mares milk was back to normal. vet said it was almost as if...
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    i think we are nearly there!

    update: twitch is pacing off and on today. here is her bag this morning!! may want to keep a watch on her... she is close!!
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    i think we are nearly there!

    lol yeah. she has a 'twitch' from a old injury she got as a foal. i used to tease her a lot about the twitch and the name stuck LOL
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    Lost foal Sunday

    so sorry. sending lots of hugs to you and your mare. loosing a baby is always hard wish i knew what happened!
  18. S

    i think we are nearly there!

    Twitch is very deep red in her whoo haa more than last nite, she is very swollen in her whoohaa too. her bag is so full, it goes clear back in between her legs!! twitchs bag 3 days ago today whoohaa belly come on twitch! she has every...
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    First foal of 2011!

    we are calling her tia. :P hoping her registered name to be SP Totally Tickled Pink