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  1. S

    Chicken problems...

    what breed are they?
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    my new addition pics

    we are in love, she is the sweetest mare, and so smart. show season next year, she will blow people away! havent gotten any pics yet, but i will soon
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    setting up in the ring questions and training tips needed

    well im talking about all my horses that we show. ill work with cici as much as i can... jet we tried a wider nose band and it looked funny on him lol we will start working on setting everyone up, and get pics, ill add them to this thread!
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    setting up in the ring questions and training tips needed

    how about training tips to teach horses to park out in the ring?? and pictures of good examples?please?
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    Recommending a nice shampoo

    lol marty! you crack me up!! i dont have a TSC here, but will look in my feed stores!
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    setting up in the ring questions and training tips needed

    well we did good at the show this last weekend.. well sort of good. jumping took 3rd out of 5 horses, would have done better if he hadnt refused 2 jumps but all in all did good. learned lots!! my question when setting up a horse in the ring, how far is too far for 'parking them out' my...
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    my new addition pics

    she is here she is here!! i love her ! pics soon i promise!
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    my new addition pics

    i never thought i would actually own a shetland.. i love their looks but i cant help but remember my shetland as a kid, sunny lol her and i never did get along! lol introducing: Wilk. Worth the Wait 2008 Bay/White ASPC Mare-42" tall ASPC#158327 im super excited to get our new girl 'diva'...
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    bought our first shetland

    soo she wont be here till thursday,and was wondering, what does showing shetlands entail? i plan on watching the shetlands show this weekend, inbetween showing the minis, but was wondering what things do we need to work on, and are there any videos?
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    in hand jumping help :)

    try this again.... lol
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    in hand jumping help :)

    hey all i have a gelding that has been trained really well to jump only problem is, the more i practice in one session, the faster he goes, even if i stay at a steady speed, and i just cannot keep up with him!! any ideas?? i am a novice jumper, and just want to do well at our first sanctioned...
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    What is your favorite color?

    my number one faves are the red colors, blood bays, bays, sorrel, red duns... then i like blacks, then i like roans, but reds are my favs, i always find myself drooling over the red ones.. lol
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    ordered a pair of bud nippers

    they are 14 inches long, and i think you could put the nipper spring on them like another person suggested
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    ordered a pair of bud nippers

    no you must open them for the next cut BUT i am able to open them one handed most of the time, they take some getting used to thats for sure, but i like them MUCH better than my 10 inch nippers i used to use for the miniatures
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    ordered a pair of bud nippers

    well i have had my bud nippers for a few days now, and what can i say? I LOVE them!! i have trimmed 6 horses so far with them, and i cant believe that my hands dont hurt after trimming!! they arent ideal for the foals and prolly not the yearlings, but WOW they cut amazing, im so glad to have...
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    ordered a pair of bud nippers

    yup. i think that is the best way to go i tried them a few years ago and it was amazing!
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    ordered a pair of bud nippers

    we are excited, i will try to get a video of me trimming a horse with them, hoping to show how much easier it is to cut with the bud nippers
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    ordered a pair of bud nippers

    i understand they will be bulkier than what im using now BUT they are going to save my hands!! im excited, as i trim miniatures for the community and some of these minis feet are HARD and my normal nippers are difficult to handle! anyone else use these?? or know of someone that does. i know im...
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    the filly fairy loved us this year, some pics of our foals so far!

    thanks! we are super excited that our paitence in being picky with our stallions and mares has paid off! i could have gotten any stallion in this area for Cheap, and same with the mares. we have really good lines going, and couldnt be happier with the results!