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  1. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    good morning friends

    We only have one, maybe two due this year. I basically took a year off because I had so much other stuff going on (occupying my mind and time). I am planning to breed 6-7 mares for 2008.
  2. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    I found her!! Please meet my new little Therapy Mare

    Congratulations, she reminds me SO much of my little filly Lacey! If she's got half the personality Lacey does, she will make an INCREDIBLE therapy horse and companion!
  3. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Farnam Platform Feed

    Thanks Chanda, I'm not on here that often these days (too darn busy!) so I wouldn't have known had I not asked :bgrin .
  4. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Farnam Platform Feed

    Is anyone familiar with this feed? I was comparing it's nutritional information with another feed I have been researching and it's very similar. I like the 'concept'of complete feeds, yet I haven't really seen one that I would feel comfortable with calling complete. The Platform feed is designed...
  5. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    AMHR Paperwork

    I sent several transfers to AMHR around the same time you did, because I didn't have pictures and knew that after the 1st of the year they would require them. It took almost 2 months to get them back but they did them on the old certificates and didn't request pictures. Seems like if it was post...
  6. DakotahMoon_Ranch


    I registered, but I can't finish filling out my profile, the page is 'dead' (nothing highlighted to edit?) and none of the horses I own are there....are do we have to enter them all ourselves (sorry if that's a stupid question). It's a great idea if I can figure it out :
  7. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    What is your opinion about the long toes seen on some driving horses

    I prefer a nicely trimmed hoof that is balanced, but I will say... we bought a 36" mini stallion at an auction who's hooves were WAY overgrown so we had our farrier trim him to make sure there was no founder (there wasn't, he was just way long)....but I have to tell you , that boy had the most...
  8. DakotahMoon_Ranch


    :aktion033: Charlotte, he's absolutely : snugglable (is that a word?). CONGRATULATIONS !!!
  9. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    need help with math question

    Hi, It might not be a lot of help but here in FL, t-posts are about $2 each (give or take). At our stores, they come in bundles of 5, but they are so versatile, to me, they are nearly indispensable. As for whether or not they will hold your fence better than wooden posts, a lot of that will...
  10. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    My first Casper foal has Arrived!

    Congrats Karin, he's a doll !!! Looks like he's full of spunk already!!
  11. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    If AMHA hardship fees were reduced

    I would hardship Blue Eyes (in my Avatar). I've been wanting to do it for a couple of years now but the price is just so steep - I normally have more pressing uses for $1200, if you know what I mean? He's sired by a Buckeroo son (RHA Rockafellow - who is double registered) but his dam looks...
  12. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Anyone else having the end of year paperwork fun?

    Michelle you sound like me! Well ok I don't have quite the volume that you have, but still. I sent off the AMHR transfers (4) yesterday so I didn't have to try to get pictures done of all the furry beasts (hopefully I'm correct in that the picture thing starts Jan 1st for AMHR : ). I sent off...
  13. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Lets See Your Barn!

    Ours isn't totally finished yet, but here it is. There are now 19 6X8 stalls (they are only in at night and in bad weather and are small enough that this is sufficient space for them to lay down and move around comfortably) and we plan to add several more down the center isleway. The barn is...
  14. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    This Is Ridiculous!

    I couldn't have said it better. We're just so happy to hear that Cowboy's got his bounce back. That's the best news I've gotten all week!!
  15. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Your Favorite PICTURE From This Year?

    Beccy that's a wonderful picture. I can see why it's your favorite, it definitely shows what it's all about.
  16. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Please continue to pray.....

    I'm so sorry to hear that Cowboy's not back to 100% (actually worse than that). Charlotte and Frank, you are in my thoughts and Cowboy will be in my prayers. I pray that they can figure out what the problem is and begin proactive treatment ASAP.
  17. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Sure would appreciate some prayers

    Oh Charlotte!! My heart goes out to you and Frank, please let us know how Cowboy is doing as soon as you have a chance. He's always been one of my very favorite boys!!!! :
  18. DakotahMoon_Ranch


    Awwwwwwwwww you guys : Thanks so much! I know I haven't been around much lately, you know how things can pile up sometimes and there's just not enough time (or brain function) to do all the things we want/need to do? I've missed reading and participating and honestly hope to get things...
  19. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    A website for Michael

    Thank you Jenn for putting the beautiful site together, it was very kind of you.
  20. DakotahMoon_Ranch

    Candle Lighting for Michael,,,,,,,,,,

    Carolyn I enjoyed your story so much. I definitely think it could merit the coveted doofus award - I know the feeling of having things go 'all kinds of awry' when I'm really trying to do a good thing. I missed the opportunity to light a candle today during the funeral time, but I will light one...