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  1. Kaitlyn

    My boy "Q"

    Handsome man
  2. Kaitlyn

    Parade Today

    Looks like fun! Very festive outfits you all have
  3. Kaitlyn

    Miniature Harness Racing

    Has anyone had experience with this or seen it in person? I have been doing some research online and would love to find out more information. Sounds like it would be a fun sport to try out with the minis, and I'm sure it would be a big crowd-pleaser! Perhaps a way to get the public more...
  4. Kaitlyn

    Help With Show Behavior?

    I'm sure with more practice you two will make a great team It certainly can't hurt to keep on practicing at home and go to as many shows as you can. I would caution on practicing too much the morning of the show, though, since she's such a young thing and might get bored/tired. Getting there...
  5. Kaitlyn

    Foals arriving at Maple Hollow Farms!!!

    what fun colors you have! cute foals ahoy
  6. Kaitlyn

    Okay, don't laugh too hard, is there any such thing as an hermaphrodite horse

    I have also heard reports of this occurring with horses. Rare, but possible.
  7. Kaitlyn

    Nursing home visit with Dapper Dan & Buddy

    How sweet! I love hearing about nursing home adventures. I'd really like to get into that one day--even if it's just with a dog and not a mini.
  8. Kaitlyn

    The STRIPES are back !!!!!!!

    wow thats gorgeous! how unique
  9. Kaitlyn

    Gay marriage - taking a step away from progress

    I just read this thread (okay, not all the way through--I started skimming after everything was beginning to be repeated). I thought that I would add my perspective as a young person who is still forming her opinion on such matters. I was raised Christian. I am sincerely glad that I "had...
  10. Kaitlyn

    Litter of Baby Bunnies

    Congrats! I just love rabbits.
  11. Kaitlyn

    slow hay feeders

    Has anyone tried this feeder? I really like how it is designed to be fed on the floor, but I am worried that it would become quickly destroyed by being stepped on, especially because it uses a zipper closure. They do offer a hanging option as well, but I do not like the mounting system they...
  12. Kaitlyn

    I have to share this...

    Sounds like an adventure! I bet it was a sight to see such a big horse afraid of a mini haha. Though I can't say I'm totally surprised because for some reason many big horses seem to be leery of the little ones... like they don't understand what the minis are
  13. Kaitlyn

    What type of hood/rugs do you find best?

    I have a weatherbeeta turnout for my tb that has a hood with velcro straps under a velcro flap such as in the second picture. The velcro is more heavy-duty than your average variety and has proven very sturdy. The hood itself attaches to the blanket with a velcro lining, and I do not feel that...
  14. Kaitlyn

    I am rolling over in my mind ..... having 'someone' trained for riding.

    The general rule of thumb I have heard with big horses is that a horse can safely carry 1/6 of it's weight, and no more. I'm not sure if this translates to miniatures, though. As Melinda said, I would make sure that the horse can calmly and obediently ground drive with tack and extra weight on...
  15. Kaitlyn

    New member, new to minis & surprise mini foal!

    What a cutie! It sounds like the horses are in good hands with you. Try not to beat yourself up too much about the mare's weight- we had the same thing happen over here with a dog (adopted her, thought she was looking a bit too chubby, started cutting back her food, then realized: puppies)...
  16. Kaitlyn

    "Lee" - have to show him off!

    What a handsome little man! And great photos you took of him, too. Also, I just love the mare's head.
  17. Kaitlyn

    Movement- what is desirable?

    Well I am (quite obviously) new to minis and still trying to learn all I can before I venture out and buy my first. In fact it will probably be a good two or three years before I even think about getting a mini, but I am doing my best to learn everything I can about the breed so I will know...
  18. Kaitlyn

    Your breeding practices..

    Well I'm no breeder but here is what I would like to look for in a breeder's priorities (and would be mine if I did breed): conformation (including movement!) > temperament > size. I want someone who is breeding for a well-conformed, athletic, sane horse. I really don't care what the pedigree...
  19. Kaitlyn

    Do you recognize this mare?

    Sorry I'm no help, but i just wanted to say that I am glad you were able to help all those horses out! I follow Camelot Auctions on facebook and was sad to see all those nice miniatures up there. If I were in the position to help I would have taken a couple for sure.
  20. Kaitlyn

    Our mini barn is finished!!!

    Nice barn! It's gorgeous