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  1. Kaitlyn

    Have been very busy... here's some proof.

    What a nice bunch of babies! I love your oops- mini mules just melt my heart.
  2. Kaitlyn

    2012 Show Season - Getting started

    Where is she going to school? I'm jealous- that is awesome!
  3. Kaitlyn

    First POOKA baby!!

    Congrats! He sure is a cute one!
  4. Kaitlyn

    Foals arriving at Maple Hollow Farms!!!

    Congrats on the new foal! Baby season is so exciting
  5. Kaitlyn

    Show Help! Liberty and Conditioning needed!

    Okay so this is not a tried-and-true method, but after doing some research over the winter I started adding--for a number of reasons--a dash of apple cider vinegar to my ponies' feed. I can't say 100% that this was a contributing factor, but I did notice that after about a month or so of the...
  6. Kaitlyn

    LCA's OH My Lil Sweet Thing

    She is so precious! I just love her markings
  7. Kaitlyn

    I call this one "Easter Feet". Its a caricature

    I love your style! I can't get over the painted hooves.
  8. Kaitlyn

    Our first 2012 foal and it's a....

    Congrats! She's precious
  9. Kaitlyn

    foal number 5 !!!

    congrats! What an adorable little star she has
  10. Kaitlyn

    Foals born with leg problems questions?Wow hugh different in her legs at two weeks

    Wow what an improvement- this whole process has been very informative for me, thanks for posting the photos
  11. Kaitlyn

    FILLY for us...yay!!

    Congratulations! How cute!
  12. Kaitlyn

    Spring is Coming!!

    Looks like they're having fun!
  13. Kaitlyn

    First foal for 2012 has arrived!

    I love her markings- that crooked little blaze is so cute!
  14. Kaitlyn

    My new miniature foal arrived yesterday night

    I love baby season! What an adorable little guy you have there.
  15. Kaitlyn

    My surprize baby arrived last night!

    What a great surprise! She's a cutie
  16. Kaitlyn

    Spring clip, turning into a BOY!

    What a handsome boy... I love his name!
  17. Kaitlyn

    Need help naming new rescue mare!

    Bunny? I bet she won't know the difference!