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  1. kevin27

    Vet visit - good news and puzzling info

    Katz 5 yrs old...comes in at 53" at the heart girth and 49" length to the tail center 47 if it's supposed to stop at the center of that leg muscle group. The diagram isn't clear Winston 181-186 lbs. 1 yr old male 39.5" heart girth, 34- 35" long Katz 400-417lbs, @ 32" tall I'll put...
  2. kevin27

    Vet visit - good news and puzzling info

    Because at the start, last summer, we had a couple of months old , and what we thought was a preg mare, I'm guessing too much, all the way around, right? Michaels is huge inside, but after 3 tries, i have a cloth tape!
  3. kevin27

    New Mini Mom

    Welcome to the forum, and Best of Luck on your new adventure!
  4. kevin27

    Vet visit - good news and puzzling info

    I will get a cloth tape measure, and get working on this. and weights of the feed too. I am grateful for the speed at which, good answers come, on the forum.
  5. kevin27

    Vet visit - good news and puzzling info

    the image that was put up on that thread from 2007 or whenever doesnt show up at all for me If you want to actually calculate your minis weight, plug the numbers in such as" body weight = (9.36 X girth in inches) + (5.01 X length...
  6. kevin27

    Vet visit - good news and puzzling info

    I'll have to measure her, and thanks a lot for the info on weighting out flakes! Need to find that info on measurement for mini's by the tape, calculation page. How do people feel about grazing muzzles, do they come with some sort of breakaway if they get hung up on something? I didnt know...
  7. kevin27

    Vet visit - good news and puzzling info

    The bloodwork came back, not pregnant, as was obvious, to everyone else but us. I dont understand how the vets could have missed this, either. It's also easy to spot, that we're new horse owners. Nobody was working off the idea she could be fat, and not pregnant. We all feel awful, and really...
  8. kevin27

    Vet visit - good news and puzzling info

    thanks very much Jean. we took the breeders word, and just assumed she was pregnant all this time. Where do we go from here? How much do you safely cut back on the feed etc
  9. kevin27

    Greetings from Long Island NY

    some iphone videos on Youtube of the possible pregnant mare here.
  10. kevin27

    Vet visit - good news and puzzling info

    I did some video with my phone last night
  11. kevin27

    Vet visit - good news and puzzling info

    I will work on some photos later today! The previous owner/breeder, gave us this "I have her being in with the stallion, on the 18th of May, and bred the 25th and 26th May 2015"
  12. kevin27

    Vet visit - good news and puzzling info

    recent images of our mare we had a "due date" of May 19th 2016
  13. kevin27

    Vet visit - good news and puzzling info

    Thanks Minimor! My mind has been churning round and round, about what could possibly mimic, looking pregnant. sill waiting on word from the bloodwork hormone level results. since we dont know for certain, all these "characteristics" not much bagging up, weirdly lumpy looking curves, is she a...
  14. kevin27

    Vet visit - good news and puzzling info

    I got a call today from the vet's office her bloodwork won't be ready, till some time early next week it's frustrating with all the waiting
  15. kevin27

    Would like some help with a registration & pedigree lookup

    Do I need to use the right acronyms or is it ok as is ?
  16. kevin27


    27, if it's not taken yet
  17. kevin27

    Vet visit - good news and puzzling info

    they both came from the same place, not related, but the stallion was just a few months old and they've been a pair for the last year. and she was due this May around the 19th. I guess we'll know more Friday or so after the Vet visit.
  18. kevin27

    Greetings from Long Island NY

    I'm waiting on hearing from the Vet, hopefully this Friday, and them having bloodwork results back, and another go with the ultrasound
  19. kevin27

    Would like some help with a registration & pedigree lookup

    I would like some help looking up a pedigree, part of a puzzle we're trying to solve I'm new to this, and have not registered for a membership/subscription to one of those services. I'd much prefer to communicate the details with a PM instead of publicly here. thank you !!
  20. kevin27

    DIY projects

    Looks great! what's the actual name of the type of wire fence you've used for the shade tunnel, we've got the same issue, with one of our minis uprooting shrubs, scratching herself.