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  1. kevin27

    Greetings from Long Island NY

    I started a new thread about this, Debby, if you want to consolidate it back to here,
  2. kevin27

    Vet visit - good news and puzzling info

    I'm having someone who's been emailing the previous owner, double back and see if they can get a better idea on the date. I think the vet said end of the week on the hormone level in blood test The stallion is definitely feeling amorous, on an off, he can be pretty annoying.
  3. kevin27

    Vet visit - good news and puzzling info

    We had our regular vet visit today, to check on the pregnant mare, Katz, and check on Winston's testicles a 2nd time. The ultrasound didnt show anything really, the colon was blocking a lot . Vet also tried hard with fingers to get a sense of what's happening. not much. So she drew blood...
  4. kevin27

    Greetings from Long Island NY

    We had a few days of the young male absolutely tormenting the pregnant mare recently, and a few months ago, there was a lot of mane biting and a lot of rump biting, as if she'd had someone used a clippers on her, so we thought it was best to recently separate them. Maybe we're just lucky, maybe...
  5. kevin27

    Hello from Scotland...

    Hello and Welcome from NY!
  6. kevin27

    Greetings from Long Island NY

    Hello everyone at miniaturehorsetalk, If anyone lives on Long Island, I'd really like to touch base with you. We have had Katz and Winston about a year. Katz is the 5 yr old pregnant mare, and a one year old intact male, is Winston They're not related, but she pretty much showed him how to be...