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  1. Deb E


    I have a big horse trailer. The only problem I have ever had is jumping out on pavement that is slick. We try to back the trailer up to grass. If that is not possible we put mats down to make sure there is no risk with surfaces.
  2. Deb E

    Question on keeping water tanks clean

    My dad helps me with my horses and he has always sprinkled lime in the tanks. It keeps the water clear and deters the algae.
  3. Deb E

    Update on Colt with Heart

    Here is my little boy with the heart marking after I clipped his head. His hair is so long you can't see the heart anymore. I think it will be very delineated though once the weather stays warm enough to body clip him. I have lost two out of four foals and all have been colts, so I am excited...
  4. Deb E

    How Did You Name Your Farm/Breeding Program?

    We had Arabians when I was growing up in Indiana, but my mom and dad always talked about having miniatures. When dad retired they sold their farm, bought a small house in an addition and started spending winters in Florida. They often visited mini farms and we talked about how much fun it...
  5. Deb E

    Pulling Horse Triailer with Truck Camper

    That is what I am really wondering...whether we need the weight distribution hitch or not. I guess in the long run, when you consider the money one would save on hotels and not having to leave the horses at night it would be worth it. I always worry about security.
  6. Deb E

    Pulling Horse Triailer with Truck Camper

    Anyone pull a horse trailer with a truck camper? We have a camper that sits on an extended bed truck. It probably extends 12-20 inches off the back of the truck. Just wondering if it is safe to pull a trailer and if so what kind of extended hitch you use.
  7. Deb E


    I had a late term abortion due to a twisted cord with a 34" mare. The head and legs were back presenting neck first as well. I can't imagine that situation with a 28" mare. It took the vet a good 15 minutes working as hard as he could to get that foal out. Hope we never have that again!
  8. Deb E

    New Colt Has Heart

    Thank you. I am new to miniatures. This mare is one of the two mares in foal I bought from LKF a couple years ago. I am up to six now. They come in and never go The mare in my avatar is my favorite. Given my inexperience, she did well for me last year. Have stepped up my...
  9. Deb E

    New Colt Has Heart

    funny you say that...we almost named our farm ET Miniatures
  10. Deb E

    New Colt Has Heart

    We named him Moon Beam because he was born under a full name. It usually takes me quite a while to decide on a name. This time it seemed easy, until we noticed the we are rethinking it.
  11. Deb E

    New Colt Has Heart

    Introducing Twilight Dreams Moon Beam aka Beamer Here are a couple pics of my new Buckeroo Junior colt. What a surprise when we took his blanket off yesterday.
  12. Deb E

    Need feed advice

    I think a cup is only about 7 ounces. So that is why I am concerned. It is hard not to get confused with the differences in cups and weight of the feed and estimating the weight of the horses. I am fairly new to minis and showing as well. I had a huge problem with bellies last year. This is...
  13. Deb E

    Need feed advice

    I just started feeding Nutrena Safe Choice as recommended by a trainer to the horses I will be showing this year. After seeing the posts, I am now worried that I am not feeding enough. I am giving my yearling mare 1.5 cups 2X a day and the 3 year old mare and 2 year old stallion 1.25 cups 2X a...
  14. Deb E

    LKF Foaling Seminar

    I can't say enough about the information provided at the LKF foaling seminar. Robin does some very creative things to provide hands on demonstrations. I just had an emergency last week, and what I learned at the seminar was invaluable.
  15. Deb E

    Twisted cords

    I don't know if I can deal with breeding minis. Have had two births and only one live foal. The other had placenta previa. Thank goodness I listened to the preaching and preaching from Robin and Marrianne at LKF about watching the mares early. She was only at 300 days, but we had our cameras...
  16. Deb E

    Twisted cords

    A severely twisted umbilical cord cannot deliver the needed oxygen to a foal. The foal dies and then is aborted. I lost a foal last night at 300 days with an extremely twisted and bulging cord. I am finding breeding minis to be very heartbreaking. Not sure I will continue to breed.
  17. Deb E

    What's the typical time for AMHA

    I sent temp to perm papers to AMHA and AMHR before the holidays. I just got the AMHR back this week. Nothing from AMHA yet.
  18. Deb E

    Who owns a Buckeroo mini

    I have two mares out of buckeroo breeding bred to Buckeroo Junior and due in March. Can't wait!
  19. Deb E

    To Clip Or Not To Clip What Would You Do

    If it is lice, you should be able to run a very fine toothed comb through the hair and see them. You can use a magnifying glass if needed.