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  1. Deb E

    Good Grief!! Poor Pony Has WHAT Sticking Out of Him?!? (Added Photos)

    Great advise, this is exactly how we give injections as well. This works really well when giving injections to the little ones too.
  2. Deb E

    Oktoberfest Sale Results...

    I posted something one time on this site and it got so twisted and out of control, I said I would never post again. But I can't help myself...Saturday was an awesome day. It is an AUCTION for pete's sake. It seems to me that they are being held to a higher standard than someone else having an...
  3. Deb E

    Oktoberfest Sale Results...

    If you are talking about the sorrel filly #47. I bought her. I am so excited. What a sweetie too. Just hoping she doesn't get sick. She came up from Texas and was body clipped. What a change in weather for her with no hair.
  4. Deb E

    Oktoberfest at LKF

  5. Deb E

    Oktoberfest at LKF

    Were you at LKF seminar in the spring?
  6. Deb E

    IMEC 2009 Futurity

    The Indiana Miniature Equine Club is a non-profit club that will be hosting a futurity show on September 19 at the Hancock County Fairgrounds. In addition to the futurity classes there will be open classes, stallion row and stalls available to promote sale horses. For more information...
  7. Deb E

    Upcoming IMEC Show

    Sunday, August 16 @ 10 a.m. Hoosier Horse Park Edinburgh, IN Contact information, showbill and directions can be found on the Indiana Miniature Equine Club (IMEC) website:
  8. Deb E

    Liberty class

    We just did our first liberty class at a local show in July. We practiced in a small grassed lot, which is not an easy thing to do, just so she would understand what I was expecting. I used a clicker at first to train her to come to me, and then I started substituting clucking for clicking...
  9. Deb E

    Julep Cup Show

    This is my first full year having minis. We will be at the show, not showing. Hope to be able to find some of you that are showing and introduce myself.
  10. Deb E

    Julep Cup Show

    Laura, we havent met but my husband Jim and I have seen you at some of the shows with Herb. Jim loves Herb. He had a boxer growing up. We'll introduce ourselves if we see you this weekend. Travel safe. Deb
  11. Deb E

    My new boy!!

    I usually don't sign on when I look through the posts, but today I had to remark on how awesome this guy is! Congratulations.
  12. Deb E

    How do you stop a horse

    The best solution is putting the metal strips around the stalls. Rubbing Irish Spring soap on the wood works for some but not all.
  13. Deb E

    I have a theory

    I saw that article too. Interesting.
  14. Deb E

    tail rubbing

    I had this problem with two mares I purchased. My vet said they had a mite that comes from wood fencing. I was a little skeptical, but he suggested an accelerated regime of wormer and within 3 weeks no more rubbing tails off. I don't recall the dosage, but if it is a possibility, it is an...
  15. Deb E

    tail rubbing

    Do you have wood fencing?
  16. Deb E

    I am going to shoot the berry fairy!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here is the link to the article that healthier mares have colts:
  17. Deb E

    I am going to shoot the berry fairy!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Maybe, you all just have really healthy horses. There was a study done, I'll try to find it and post a link, that unexpectedly showed the healthier the mare, the more likely to get berries. Not saying I believe it...thoughts?
  18. Deb E

    Horse Sold as AMHR/AMHA pending

    Sherri, You may be in the office with Robin and already know this, but I told her and the owner of the sire that my intent was to hardship and forget it. What is wrong with me asking the forum what pending means in an auction sale book? Deb
  19. Deb E

    Horse Sold as AMHR/AMHA pending

    Wow, I only asked what "pending" means to everyone. This was the third mare I bought from LKF and she is awesome. My other two mares are there being bred. LKF does a lot for the industry, in particular their recent seminar was great. I certainly do not think that anyone did anything...