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  1. Casey0Lee


    I highly doubt they would change their minds. I really don't know why people want to keep mediocre stallions. Especially one that behaves badly. You don't breed on bloodlines alone. You must take all 3 into consideration (confo, pedigree and temperment). Where are you showing? I could...
  2. Casey0Lee


    I agree 100%. There's no reason for him to be a stallion. Gelding him alone would probably solve most of your issues withing 6 months, maybe even sooner since he's young. Stallions should be exceptional animals in temperment, conformation and bloodline. They should also have a "wow" factor that...
  3. Casey0Lee

    Getting Ready to Jump Into Driving... Now, what else can I do with my mini?

    This thread has been so cool to read!!! And all the pics are awesome!! That stagecoach is amazing!!!!!
  4. Casey0Lee

    Ring / Nail Test

    I have never heard this in my life LOL I'll have to go try it on my mare.
  5. Casey0Lee

    Ring / Nail Test

    What are these ring/nail tests that you speak I'f lol
  6. Casey0Lee

    Re-evaluating my feeding program....

    It wasn't the form of feed $pellets) that did it. It was the ingrediants IN the feed. You can't say that all pelleted feed will do that to them. Lol A sensitivity to soy is possible though, as a lot of pelleted feeds are soy based.
  7. Casey0Lee

    Re-evaluating my feeding program....

    I start with a quality fixed formula that is low NSC/grain free and go from there.
  8. Casey0Lee

    Getting Ready to Jump Into Driving... Now, what else can I do with my mini?

    I have enjoyed reading this... I never thought about all the "around the farm" stuff!! Having my mini take the pile of manure out instead of having to wheel borrow it would be awesome ! LOL My parents do a ton of gardening and chicken farming... maybe I can teach them to use her too...
  9. Casey0Lee

    Have a question about after gelding a colt

    A gelded horse can still breed after he's been gelded. I cannot remember what the time frame is though as I don't usually buy colts/stallions. (Though, I do have a colt now) I wouldn't be turning him out with any mares for a few weeks to be safe.
  10. Casey0Lee

    Comfy Fit Harness & Myler Bits

    I have not used a Myler driving bit, but I use Myler snaffles on all my barrel horss. IMO, they are well worth the money. Every horse I've ever put my Myler comfort snaffle on loves it.
  11. Casey0Lee

    How much can a Mini actually take?

    ^^ I wouldn't take her up/down and big hills. I will stick with the easy trails We do however, have a ton of nice little creeks to stop along for drinks for the horses. It makes it rather nice. I'm really looking fwd to driving her this summer!
  12. Casey0Lee

    poopy pony

    Switch him to a low NSC, grain free, fixed forumla feed.
  13. Casey0Lee

    Adding fat/oil to diet

    IMO, you need to re-evaluate their nutrition.
  14. Casey0Lee

    Building Muscle

    I think that is the best idea. If he is a mature horse, lunge him. You can put ground poles down, you can put cavaletti jumps up, there all kinds of obstacles you could put into use to get him into shape. I use 55gal plastic barrels layed on their side as jumps. You could have him drag a tire...
  15. Casey0Lee

    Re-evaluating my feeding program....

    I have been reasearching equine nutrition for years. And lately, Mini's specifically. This is my opinion. It's been proven that diets high in NSC (non structural carbs) cause all kinds of issues in horses. Ulcers, laminitis, founder, IR, obesity, hindgut acidosis, etc. While a horse in heavy...
  16. Casey0Lee


    I agree about trying to visually tell a mini's weight in a photo with a full coat of winter hair. You HAVE to put your hands on the animal to be able to judge accurately. His feet def need a balanced trim. Heels are very high. The way he's trimmed now, he actually looks clubby.
  17. Casey0Lee

    Building Muscle

    correct use of a tie down = something for the horse to brace against and help them balance.. such as a roping horse pulling a steer. It has NOTHING to do with head placement. If you use a tie down for head placement, then you are using it incorrectly. CORRECT USE is the big thing here. There...
  18. Casey0Lee


    I kind of agree with that too ^^^ After all... if you buy a bred mare, the price is probably going to reflect the fact that she's bred... as in.... higher than if she were not. After all, you are potentially buying 2 horses.
  19. Casey0Lee


    I would say no, no LFG with the sale of a bred mare. But, you COULD offer a LFG with proper documentation. Documentation/proof from a vet that all vaccinations, nutrition, care, etc. was met during the pregnancy. Then, still, a LFG is usually only good up until the foal stands and nurses.
  20. Casey0Lee

    Building Muscle

    I pony mine from my barrel horse ... Lot's of long trotting out back around the field. Up and down hills. I really don't treat my Mini's any different than my barrel horses. My pony horse is well behaved and is safe to pony anything off of. I know not everyone has this option, but it works for...