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  1. Casey0Lee


    Geld him. Simple as that.
  2. Casey0Lee


    Mine aren't in any work yet, but my 16yr old mare is on 2c/day (.72lb) of Triple Crown Lite and free choice mixed grass hay in a slow feed net. She also gets remission daily. My yearling is on 1c/day TC Lite (.36lb) and free choice hay as well. The feeding directions for TC Lite for Minis is...
  3. Casey0Lee

    How much can a Mini actually take?

    Oh yes... I always warm up and walk out. That's been drilled into my head all my life, especially when I was working at the race track.
  4. Casey0Lee

    How much can a Mini actually take?

    Thanks! This is kind of what I was looking for. So, with proper conditioning, they can pretty much do anything a big horse can do?
  5. Casey0Lee

    How much can a Mini actually take?

    I am not new to horses or Mini's, but I am new to driving. I had a little driving experience with a friends family when I was much younger, but that is all. I do have some friends who are BIG into driving, both with their Mini's and their Morgans. They don't ride at all and have been drving...
  6. Casey0Lee

    Babies can drive too!

    I just joined... But... why would you harness a 4month old???? Seems a little young to me. I mean... I start saddling my big horse's as mid yearlings, but not even 4 months old?? Seems too early to me. JMHO.
  7. Casey0Lee

    New to "This World of Mini's" & Driving

    I am in the same boat as you Poniesrule. I got a bred mare and a weanling from a breeder this past fall. The mare is broke to drive and has been shown, but she hasn't been driven for a while. She is due at the end of June, so when the time gets closer I am going to purchase a cart and harness...
  8. Casey0Lee

    Slow Feeders & Feed/Grain Choices?

    ^I've made a life around equine nutrition. I consider myself pretty knowledgeable on the subjet.
  9. Casey0Lee

    Who all is expecting foal(s) this year?

    I have one bred mare that I got this year. She was bred when I got her. Sunshine She is in foal to ICF's Sip stallion:
  10. Casey0Lee

    Upright tin-can hooves despite regular trims

    We need photos. Mini's tend to grow a lot of heel. The heel should be taken back to the widest part of the frog, just like a normal horse should for a balanced trim.
  11. Casey0Lee


    Mine look like yaks. I HATE it!! I want to clip so bad. My palm is twitching as I type this LOL I'd post pictures, but I'm at work right now.
  12. Casey0Lee

    Slow Feeders & Feed/Grain Choices?

    I use conch chix nets for my big horses and my mini's. I get the smallest holes they have for the mini's and the 1" holes for the big horses. I have the nexts that fit a whole square bale in them. They work amazing. I have 3 of them! I feed Triple Crown Lite to all of my horses (mini's & big)...