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  1. dreaminmini

    Timber is finally home!!!!

    He is a handsome fella! Congrats.
  2. dreaminmini

    I'm back and with two new minis.

    Aww, too cute. They are sweet.
  3. dreaminmini

    Ricochet is home! pics & videos

    He is a cutie, hope you have lots of fun with him. Congrats on you new guy.
  4. dreaminmini

    Miniequine Amir's Phoenix is 1 1/2 mo

    Cool picture, looks like a real cutie.
  5. dreaminmini

    Playing around with costumes

    They are all adorable. Not sure how you can choose. Thanks for sharing.
  6. dreaminmini

    New photos of Duchess

    Beautiful!! Good luck with her next year.
  7. dreaminmini

    My Lil' 17.5" ~ 7 mo old in his halloween costume

    Oh my goodness, he is just the most adorable little guy. Just too cute for words.
  8. dreaminmini

    Halloween is a coming!!!!

    I don't usually post pictures of my guy but this was too much fun. For fun and also for a small project for work we dressed our guys for Halloween this weekend. They were so patient and good with allowing us to put all this stuff and and stand while we did our photo shoot. Thanks Lori (Milo)...
  9. dreaminmini

    Video of Spice

    Awww, I can't see it.
  10. dreaminmini


    Hmmm...55 please.
  11. dreaminmini

    I llove my boys!

    I thought you said Pandemonium was my Christmas present this year????
  12. dreaminmini

    I got a new one!

    Congratulations!! What a handsome guy!
  13. dreaminmini


    Congrats to both of you! They are both beautiful
  14. dreaminmini

    Xpress goes HOF!!!

    Hey, Fleur gets Radiant!!!!
  15. dreaminmini


    Thinking of everyone tonight. Praying everything is ok with all of you.
  16. dreaminmini

    Share your Beautiful miniature horses

    We have 4 horses. i love all of them but my mare Fleur has stolen my heart. She did from the first time I saw her picture. JEM Break N Pattern (Fleur) Cornerstone Lil Peek-A-Boo, our first mini, and my son's horse. This little guy is a one in a million. JEM Duke It Out (Duke) Claybury...
  17. dreaminmini

    Liberty photos

    Beautiful!! I take it that she drives, if she doesn't, she should be!!!
  18. dreaminmini

    Xpress goes HOF!!!

    Congratulations!!! You did an awesome job with him. I will miss having him around, too. I agree with Desi, maybe he will have to see how he like Country Pleasure.
  19. dreaminmini

    Nationals Missing You

    Very cool videos. Boy that video of Tulsa sure made me homesick. I am missing Nationals already. Unfortunately we won't make it there this year. But come heck or high water will be there next year.
  20. dreaminmini

    How many driving horses do we have here now?

    We currently have 2 driving and one almost ready to make it three. We also have our last one, Claybury Framed By Reign (Eddy) ready for Lori to start training this fall after Nationals. Here is our first mini Peek. Lori trained him 3 years ago and our whhole family learned on him and Nick...