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  1. dreaminmini

    Stupid Is As Stupid Does

    But Jill, there is no such thing as a miniature horse, specially ones that may look like real horses, the minis of today are just small, short necked, chubby, ill-conformed Shetlands. Just ask any Shetland person. They are trying to save the miniature horse by influencing more of their...
  2. dreaminmini

    Favorite time/place to read?

    I used to read on the bus to work, but mainly I read before bed. Only problem, if I really get into the book I have been known to pull an all nightser. LOL
  3. dreaminmini

    Miniature Horse Bling Performance Halter

    Check out the halters at the CMHR Sales Barn. I get huge compliments on mine. I use it for liberty too.
  4. dreaminmini

    Miniature Horse Bling Performance Halter

    They have the nylon too.
  5. dreaminmini

    Stupid Is As Stupid Does

    We could start a manure chain of protest across North America.
  6. dreaminmini

    Stupid Old AMHR Breeder look for the most part (if I can pick em out a judge sure can), handlers/trainers - the judges can recognize them, the lovely internet and everyones farm pages, You can't tell me that in most cases you can't tell the difference between a pony and a mini? You look for the badly...
  7. dreaminmini

    Stupid Old AMHR Breeder

    Isn't it interesting that since the pony people all say minis are really Shetlands, we keep getting reminded of that every time this argument comes up, why can't we get our ASPC papers for them? The minis are Shetlands, dontcha know, just a minor technicality of what 4 letters are in front of...
  8. dreaminmini

    Stupid Old AMHR Breeder

    ROFL...are you serious Disneyhorse??? The Miniature horses of today on the whole after people's selective breeding programs have come beyond that. Sure there are badly conformed minis just as there are badly conformed Shetlands. What about the skinny Shetlands, all the ones with no heart girth...
  9. dreaminmini

    Stupid Old AMHR Breeder

    Not sure anyone is arguing that the Miniature Horse did not evolve from the Shetland Pony. But they were created to be their own entity by this registry. Breeders spent many years evolving the miniature horse into what it is today. That fact must be recognized. There are many horse breeds that...
  10. dreaminmini

    CMHR $3 Mission of Thanks : Final items, huge thank you Pg. 19

    For the $1 thank you!! Thank you to the donor) I am thankful for my family, my friends, my horses,dog and cat. I am thankful for all the true friendships I have. I am thankful to have a roof over my head and food for my family I am thankful for all the people who help those less fortunate...
  11. dreaminmini

    Introducing Sour and Honor!

    Sour is a pretty mare and looks like she enjoys being in harness. It is wonderful that you were able to work with her and have her trust in someone again. Your mule is so adorable!!! Good luck with both of them. Hopefully, we will hear more about them in future. :-) Welcome to the forum :-)
  12. dreaminmini

    Online Show made a profit!

    It was fun!!! But Marsha is right there may have been too many categories. Still a great show though. :-) I would definitely participate again. Great job Marty and everyone involved!
  13. dreaminmini

    Jerald Show Carts, WHICH ONE!

    Just keep looking. I was lucky to find the Jerald Roadmaster with stirrups, patent dash, cover and both wire and wood wheels pretty much brand new condition. We can compete in breed ring and pleasure driving. You can get a kit to close in the wheels if you want to do Roadster. I LOVE the cart...
  14. dreaminmini

    Stupid Old AMHR Breeder

    I think this, unfortunately, is an argument that will never be solved. My own opinion is that the AMHR is after more AMHA horses to boost it's numbers. It is not necessarily a bad thing, allowing for new bloodlines, new members and new horses into our registry. Unfortunately, I think they were...
  15. dreaminmini

    Welcome Home, Winston!

    They are adorable!! Congrats! Tell your daughter there is nothing like a little horse therapy to right the world.
  16. dreaminmini

    CMHR $3 Mission of Thanks : Final items, huge thank you Pg. 19

    I have two of those halters that I received as gifts. One a christmas one and one a pretty flowered one. I love them, They fit both my A and B minis no problem, You should be ok I would think. I get tons of compliments on mine too. Just waiting for my paycheque and I will be donating for...
  17. dreaminmini

    Dragon's Wish Farm

    Sounds very interesting! I look forward to hearing your updates and more info on your plans. I sincerely hope everything works out for you. :-D I admire your drive.
  18. dreaminmini

    CMHR $3 Mission of Thanks : Final items, huge thank you Pg. 19

    Here is my $3 story: My son who was 7 years old at the time wanted to learn to drive horses instead of ride them. I had seen minis before and thought they were really cute so we did research on the breed and after looking at many ads, sending many emails and phone calls and visiting farms we...
  19. dreaminmini

    My morning adventure/rescue mission

    Bonnie has the most adorable face. That was wonderful that you were able to take them in. They all look like nice horses. Good luck with them,
  20. dreaminmini

    Secret Santa HINT THREAD!!!!

    Well, I did give hints for my Secret Santa....I never know what to give for hints... Our stable name is WeeThreeMinis, I have 4 minis: Fleur, Eddy, Peek and Duke. Suggestions: love books (horse related, mystery, supernatural), my fav colour is purple, my size 2x-3x depends anything from the...