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  1. dreaminmini

    Turkey Berserky!!!

    Umm..24 please.
  2. dreaminmini


    I'm guilty. Will send tonight when I get home. The choices are too hard to see on the phone. Sorry.
  3. dreaminmini

    What Does ASPC Need to Do to Survive

    I just got my membership renewal form in the mail yesterday. I did notice that Youth memberships are now $5 though I don't remember hearing about this change. So there is a fair amount of new money coming in.
  4. dreaminmini

    Slow Cooker Recipes

    This year at Nationals we had a crockpot. Was perfect for thr days we were showing. We actually took a whole chicken, threw in some chopped onion and sprinkled some spices on. Let it cook. Then near the end we upped the temperature to high and threw in some dumplings made from bisquick. Yummy...
  5. dreaminmini

    A little video a friend did for me

    Until I saw these two pics so close together, I am thinking a matched driving pair maybe. Are they close in height??
  6. dreaminmini

    AMHR/ASPC Cross Enter at SAME SHOW Proposal

    True. Then the ASPC for increased entries. Should be interesting to see how the competition shakes down. LOL Do I hear a new division in the offing? LOL Won't matter to me, I am pretty much done with AMHR. The experiences from this show year have left a bitter taste. I am going to just enjoy...
  7. dreaminmini

    AMHR/ASPC Cross Enter at SAME SHOW Proposal

    I DO NOT detest Shetlands, first of all. How many times have I admired yours??? I may not necessarily like Shetlands in the AMHR but I can admire them as a breed. But that does not mean I want to own and show Shetland just as I love draft horses I don't want to own one. I love minis and I...
  8. dreaminmini

    AMHR/ASPC Cross Enter at SAME SHOW Proposal

    It is far more beneficial to the ASPC than to the AMHR. The ASPC needs more entrants and more $$$$. Most on this thread talk about needing increased entries and more money for the ASPC. I haven't heard much at all from people owning these double registered horses coming on this thread saying...
  9. dreaminmini

    AMHR/ASPC Cross Enter at SAME SHOW Proposal

    Not complaining Holly. Just voicing another part of the scenario. Something for people to think about. Most I know can't afford to double their entries and most only want to show mini anyway, they only bought them because that is the trend. I like to know the numbers pushing for this, who the...
  10. dreaminmini

    AMHR/ASPC Cross Enter at SAME SHOW Proposal

    As a person showing on a budget, and I doubt I am the only one, the money is just not there to double my classes. If anything, if I were to try some Shetland classes I would either be cutting some AMHR classes to do it or going to less shows. I wonder how many more would be doing the same...
  11. dreaminmini

    A (long) Hello: New Here

    Welcome from another Ontarian. Glad to see another mini person on board. Where are you in Ontario?
  12. dreaminmini

    AMHR ASPC show rules on measurement

    That is awful!!! So sorry that happened to you.What a shame! The problem is no one wants to step up because if you do you are branded a troublemaker, it's only sour grapes because your horse lost, or they do other things to make showing difficult. Flatten tires on your cart, lose paperwork etc...
  13. dreaminmini

    Anybody allergic to cats or dogs?

    I was allergic to dogs as a young child. If I was around them I became violently ill, would throw up. It was awful. The bad part was I wanted a dog SO bad. I brought dog book after dog book home from the library. It broke my heart I couldn't have one. Every time I went to see my pediatrician...
  14. dreaminmini

    National Drive 2012

    Gorgeous shots!!! Looks like an absolutely beautiful place and tons of fun. You had good weather too.
  15. dreaminmini

    2012 Black Pinto Colt, Journey

    Oh my, he is adorable, love him. Love the blue eyes!!!
  16. dreaminmini

    Mouse in the House

    Put out little bowls of Coca Cola for him. Supposedly they drink it because it is sweet but mice cannot burp sooo the Coke kills them. Probably not the best way to go but it won't poison the dogs and it's cheap.
  17. dreaminmini

    Settling in nicely

    Congrats on your new minis. They sound very sweet. Can't wait to see pictures. :-) As for the mini poops, they do have narrower tyne forks or the mini forks. You do have to bend more with the mini fork as the handle is smaller too. Not sure why they did that. They would get vaccinated once a...
  18. dreaminmini

    Want to see some halters? Check these out!There's still time!!!

    I like the camo halter. It was quite manly. :-)
  19. dreaminmini

    Only a couple of minutes left to vote.

    Congratulations!!! They are very cute together!! I feel blessed. I won a couple of collars and a halter. Congratulations!!! They are very cute together!! I feel blessed. I won a couple of collars and a halter.
  20. dreaminmini

    AMHR/ASPC Cross Enter at SAME SHOW Proposal

    We could band those who havent consumed the Koolaid :-) into our own registry. Though now I have written it maybe I might have been consuming my own special concoction. LOL