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  1. dreaminmini

    I lost a friend this summer

    Awww, Lori, you have me crying now too. I miss the big guy. It was a true honour to get to know him these last few years. He was a wonderful horse with a generous spirit and a true gentleman. He carried his title of head stallion with dignity, fairness and firmness. I liken him to the...
  2. dreaminmini

    Humane issue: Driving Horses roaring/wheezing

    I would support that rule change. Half the drivers have them so loose they are ineffective anyway and the other half have them too tight. Hmmm, what does that say???
  3. dreaminmini

    Humane issue: Driving Horses roaring/wheezing

    I don't think anyone has an issue with drugs that are medically prescribed to a horse for a certain condition. But the "Peppy juices" are a concern because it can push a horse to work beyond it's limits. As for the driving, I think there is huge room for improvement. A lot of the horses do not...
  4. dreaminmini

    Finally.......sticky milk!

    Get a move on it already, Rose! :D Auntie Kim wants another baby to play with. I am starting to worry you might explode Rose!!!!!
  5. dreaminmini

    Jesse left us a little something to remember him by......

    You know I love them!!! <3 They are even more handsome in person and have a wonderful presence about them. They are both awesome little guys and with their daddy's temperament they are going to be a joy to have around. Their daddy was one of my favourites of Lori's. Lucky for me I can get my...
  6. dreaminmini

    Humane issue: Driving Horses roaring/wheezing

    I get disheartened by the things people do to their horses all for the sake of a ribbon. Is their life that lacking that the ribbons are going to make it better? Define them as a superior person?? How are the ones that play by the rules supposed to compete with the chains, cayenne pepper...
  7. dreaminmini

    New Author

    I love James Patterson, Dean Koontz, Stephen King too but I really enjoy Heather Graham's books. Dust To Dust is my favoutite followed closely by Deadly Harvest and Deadly Night. As well as Ghost Moon, Ghost Night and Ghost Shadow. Another is Karen Harper. A lot of her books are mystery...
  8. dreaminmini

    Need help with a name for this guy.....

    Little Sioux Mystical Pegasus. Congrats, he is a little cutie.
  9. dreaminmini


    Lots of walking so I would recommend a golf cart or scooter. Specially for to and from campgrounds though not horribly far but if you are tired or it is really hot I am sure you would love the cart. You just can't drive them in the aisles. (some have tried) You will have fun. It is a blast...
  10. dreaminmini

    Anyone know what the prices were

    The prices were low. But who were #24 and #25. They went quite well.
  11. dreaminmini

    Some Horse Art

    Very cool. Love your fantasy horses. Just amazing!
  12. dreaminmini

    some Manitoba ponies

    LOL Some enabler you are!!! Please??? Pretty Please???? Mary Ann looks good out there. Did you get to her she a pony convert??? LOL If she is changing over I have a special home for Bobby. She can bring him to Nationals for me. :-)
  13. dreaminmini

    For those who show. . .

    For me it is something that brings my family together. We show together and cheer each other on. I consider myself very lucky that we can share this as a family. We practice together getting ready for the shows. It is meeting wonderful people that share the same interest. We have met many...
  14. dreaminmini

    some Manitoba ponies

    Holly, are you an enabler too? LOL You have a beautiful group. I think I am becoming quite fond of Cody. :-) Something about that face. <3 Can't wait to see more pictures from your next show. Must be comin up soon. Our Classic show is next weekend. Can't wait. Had my little break now back...
  15. dreaminmini

    One more photo

    Nice boy Holly. Love the markings, very flashy. Handsome boy. Good luck at the next show with him. Is he ASPC or double registered?
  16. dreaminmini

    Question about youth and AMHR sanctionned shows

    Hi there, They do have to be a Youth member but Youth memberships are free. Just fill out the form on the amhr website and send it in. I imagine with the mail strike you should be able to fax it or scan and email the form.
  17. dreaminmini


    He's adorable!! Such a cute video. I could watch foals play all day.
  18. dreaminmini

    Brandon's flood

    That is awful, Holly. Those poor people! I can't imagine. Mother Nature is sure wreaking some havoc this year. I will definitely be praying for everyone and hopefully the sand bags will hold and the new preparations they are doing will work. Please be very careful going to and from work...
  19. dreaminmini

    Getting to know each other

    Hmmm....let me think, I lead a fairly boring life. 1. I love to read, specially mystery/suspense novels and of course horse books. 2. I cry at all animals movies. I am such a sap. 3. I love the water and love to lay in my parents boat while it rocks on the waves and sound of the waves put...