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  1. K

    Color question

    Yep I have to agree that he looks to be a bay for life! Hee hee sorry for the corny joke! All y'all know how I am - just have to brighten up the day!
  2. K

    Now I have seen everything!!

    Not to be rude but there is already a HUGE forum post about this that has been going on for a few days now. Go check it out. But my opinion is that it's rather ridiculous! ~Katie~
  3. K


    I'm glad that you have come to a good, reasonable descision. I purchased my first horse Trailfeathers Not A Moment Too Soon (Leo) and he would bite, and rear at you while lunging and had basicly no manners whatsoever. So I am a novice trainer and he doesnt do any of that anymore so I know you...
  4. K

    What Would YOU Show Him In?

    Don't forget that he has a tail-flagging trot, great movement, and a great disposition! I just thought that I'd show some pictures and a head shot is in my avatar.
  5. K

    Let's see your...

    Here is my stallion. He is a soon-to-be gelding, however. Just when ever I can save up enough money to geld him is when I will have him gelded. Whenever that is. But I still love him just the same! I absolutely love my boy. . .such a sweetie! He will even shake hands, roll over, rear...
  6. K

    mares loosing

    I also have had this happen to me before on one of my horses and I had the vet come out and he said that it was "hot spots" caused by the heat and makes them lose fur. He gave me some shampoo and some antibiotic cream to put on it for about a week and it went away. Good luck and you should best...
  7. K

    Could Y'all Help Me Please?

    IT'S OFFICIAL! MY FARM/BARN NAME IS NOW OFFICIALLY. . . (drum roll please) Trailfeather Farm Now I just need a name for my miniature, Leo! What about: - Trailfeather's Cherokee Song - Trailfeather's Cherokee Songcatcher - Trailfeather's Aurora Skye I just need it to start with...
  8. K

    Geld Or Not To Geld?

    Good news guys! I had my parents read ALL OF THE REPLIES! Guess what? As soon as they read it, they got on the phone with the vet and got him scheduled for a castration visit! Yippe! Can't believe y'all did it for me! I LOVE ALL OF Y'ALL! ~Katie~
  9. K


    I jumped him on small crossrails that were'nt even an inch off the ground. It was safe, I can assure you because my vet is like my show manager and he assured me that they'd be ok. Leo is almost 3 anyways.
  10. K

    Could Y'all Help Me Please?

    I need a GREAT show name for my horse Leo (barn name) since I am getting serious with showing and I also need a a GREAT farm name. I have listed some of my thoughts so let me hear what y'all have to say! Leo's Show Name Right Now: - Big Lee (I had to come up with something quick and I know it...
  11. K

    I am FURIOUS

    Oh my gosh that's horrible! The poor angels! Whenever I am gone, I have my boyfriend (age 15 and we've been going out for about a year now) take care of my 2 big horses, 1 miniature, 3 rabbits, 2 cats, 1 parakeet, 1 indoor dog, and 3 outdoor dogs and 1 duck. He ALWAYS has all the animals clean...
  12. K

    Geld Or Not To Geld?

    Thank you Lyn for replying I had hoped that you would but IT'S NOT ME THAT WANTS TO BREED LEO - IT'S MY PARENTS. Just saying. Plus if I COULD register him in AMHR then I wouldn't have shown him in halter. Just performance.
  13. K

    Geld Or Not To Geld?

    Oh shucks! Lol oh well. I'll get HAVE to get me a AMHA gelding now won't I? Hee hee I know what I am going to look for now. . .lol (no kidding).
  14. K


    Actually both his testicles have dropped but I'm waiting for the right one to lower just a bit more so I can get him gelded (up to my parents) and I really think he's cute and he's my precious one! **There were about 6-10 horses in each class give or take a few I was more concerned with my boy...
  15. K

    Geld Or Not To Geld?

    OK! Thanks for everyone who read and/or replied. Now I have a question - I want to register him AHMR (he is 36 inches). I need to know how to get my membership and his together. I have his pedigree and WCMHR papers in-hand and everything but I have yet to transfer him into my name in WCMHR so I...
  16. K

    Geld Or Not To Geld?

    Yes, Lewella 4-H DOES NOT allow stallion that was why I am wanting to geld him! I am only 15 and I can use him for 3 yrs. in 4-H and even more as in WCMHR (he's registered in it) and I have some judges set up for my own mini horse shows that I will host in my area.
  17. K

    Geld Or Not To Geld?

    Thank you all for your posts . . . and yes Liz that would be nice! Thanks for your offer! I'd like to have a breeding program but I know how much the annual costs is and the possiblity of losing the foal too and it's a big risk that I'd just rather show with them! As in my other post. . .HORSE...
  18. K


    My stallion Leo (pictured below) did TERRIFIC for me in the showing yesterday! We entered in jumping, in-hand trail obstacle, halter, and costume! Unfortunately, I didn't have anyone who could take pics of us the the ring but here are the placings! By the way, the is a local open show just for...
  19. K

    Geld Or Not To Geld?

    I am wanting to use my 2 y/o stallion in 4-H classes to show and I was planning on having him gelded but now MY PARENTS WANT TO BREED HIM. They want to keep him a stallion and breed to outside mares in my area. They want to charge $200 plus $50 mare care fee. . .but I know (from all of y'alls...
  20. K

    hello and questions

    I believe that I CAN help you! Here is what I do with my soon-to-be gelding Leo who is pictured at the bottom of this reply: - Turn out in pasture (fescue) twice a week - Turn out in dry lot paddock with 1/2 flake of hay in the morning & evening 24/7 with access to LARGE tub of water - 1...