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  1. Anne ABC


    For Monday I'll take #114
  2. Anne ABC

    I Know It's Early But...

    Oh Sandee, wish you were closer because it is a fun show with great awards every year!
  3. Anne ABC

    I Know It's Early But...

    You bet there is going to be an AMHR show in West Monroe, LA in 2011. The 2011 show will be three days because the show last year was so large it ran late on the last day causing a problen for some exhibitors. For 2011 this is the line up - AMHR Show will be May 20th and 21st, this year for the...
  4. Anne ABC

    What is the best feed to put weight on a weanling

    We use Purina Strategy. We have found it to be the best complete feed for our young ones, just gives them a great start at weaning and keeps them in good shape that whole first year without adding anything to it. Like Charlotte said the first thing is to be sure he is clear of worms and...
  5. Anne ABC

    Winter Blankets

    Best folks in the world to do business with, Double TT Tack. Quality merchandise at reasonable prices, plus the service is top notch.
  6. Anne ABC

    Weanling Filly

    You might want to try some form of Probiotics just to get her tummy bacteria in line. I have found it helpful at weaning to get them eating and a bit less draggy. You can get it in a paste form from you feed store or Vet.
  7. Anne ABC


    Linda, you should be so very proud of Erica and all she, with the help of her family and friends, has accomplished in her few short years.   My husband and I have shown against her many times for years and she is so accomplished and her horses are always such nice quality, so well groomed and...
  8. Anne ABC

    Unknown Farms

    We are a small farm and I would hope, if we have something you are looking for, you would consider us along with many other small breeder's that are striving to produce top quality horses. I feel we have very nice quality horses and we do win our share in Amateur classes, we prefer to show our...
  9. Anne ABC

    Lil Beginnings Gone Fishing CONTEST GAME OVER!

    Congratulations to all the winners, this was a fun one!!
  10. Anne ABC

    Lil Beginnings Gone Fishing CONTEST GAME OVER!

    Oh boy, this is fun!! Just knew there would be a WINNER this morning! Monday morning I'll take # 108
  11. Anne ABC

    Lil Beginnings Gone Fishing CONTEST GAME OVER!

    Oh wow! We have got to be getting close!! For Sunday I will take # 143
  12. Anne ABC

    Lil Beginnings Gone Fishing CONTEST GAME OVER!

    Saturday I'll be # 121
  13. Anne ABC

    Lil Beginnings Gone Fishing CONTEST GAME OVER!

    For Friday I'll pick # 15
  14. Anne ABC

    Lil Beginnings Gone Fishing CONTEST GAME OVER!

    I'll be #6 today!!
  15. Anne ABC

    Lil Beginnings Gone Fishing CONTEST GAME OVER!

    I'l take 68 today!!
  16. Anne ABC


    The club I am involved with, Southern Miniature Horse Confederation, has already had a discussion about adding Pinto Classes to our May 2011 show in West Monroe, LA. We have set up a committee to start the ball rolling and we are all excited about the new Pinto classes
  17. Anne ABC


    This whole insurance thing is just tooooo crazy!! We were with Shelter Insurance for 30 years doing the same thing we are doing now, sign included, only had more horses even a few exotics, etc. Never a problem, filed no claimes, nothing just paid our premium on time (automatic checking...
  18. Anne ABC

    Looking for tack

  19. Anne ABC

    Still have not received any Journal

    I received my April/May issue today. Isn't tomorrow August 1st?????
  20. Anne ABC

    A Thank You

    Congratulations, she is a gorgeous little one and will fit right in with your other gorgeous little one's. She's in good company!