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  1. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Can someone do a photo edit

    Thank you all! And you are very welcome Carlene!
  2. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Can someone do a photo edit

    I assumed the little boys name is Tucker, just because that's how you saved the photos. If it's not, let me know, and I can change that. ETA: When you save it, click on the increase picture arrow in the lower right hand corner, to see the photo in full size.
  3. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Photo edit ?

    maplegum.......I really love your background picture!
  4. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    I was wondering if anyone

    Here's an attempt from me. I had photoshop open, practicing, and thought I'd take on the challenge.
  5. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Using extension cord for a heated bucket???

    We use extension cords here also, and have never had a problem. One thing my husband does for the outside cord, where the water heater plugs into the cord, he wraps tightly with the black electrical tape to keep it free of snow and ice. It just keeps that plug dry.
  6. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    HELP!!! Computer crashed

    I don't know anything about Goback, or how to get your lost info back, but I did have Norton antivirus for the last few years, and when I updated to Norton 2009, my system was completely attacked. I couldn't do hardly anything on my pc anymore, nothing worked right. It wasn't doing it's job...
  7. Soggy Bottom Ranch


    Wow! Beautiful! babygoose, I love your mare too, she's so pretty! It's nice to see some of the biggie driving horses too!
  8. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Photoshop Elements 6.

    I was really surprised mine didn't come with a manual too..............BUT.........lucky me, there was a subcription card in there for a photoshop magazine! The book I bought is by far more informative! The one thing I really love about the Elements is the guided section for doing quick...
  9. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Photoshop Elements 6.

    Karla, I bought a book when I first got my elements 6, and it has been absolutely priceless for me! I use it ALOT! It's called "The Photoshop Elements 6 Book for Digital Photographers" by Scott Kelby and Matt Kloskowski. The tutorials are so easy to follow, and they actually work! It really...
  10. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Photoshop Elements 6.

    Great! Patience is something I do not have! Yes, the detail on the first photo is from elements, the burned-in edge effect, and the graphic is just a flower increased in size, filled with grey, and turned the opacity down to 50% I think. Thank you for the tip Donna............and yes, it is...
  11. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Photoshop Elements 6.

    Thanks Donna! What I really want to know is, what is the best tool, and the easiest way, to crop around the forelock and mane to make it look realistic? Whenever I try, I always get part of the background in there, and it doesn't look natural. Maybe I'm just not being patient enough, and...
  12. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Winter pasture.

    The pasture is actually just part of the lawn that we fenced in. It's not long at all, and it is under 6" of snow, but if you dig up some of the grass under there to look, it's still definately green. They'll be going out again today to play after they finish their breakfast...........they'll...
  13. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Photoshop Elements 6.

    I see so many of you doing wonderful art projects with cropping, cutting, and pasteing, I'm in awe of the talent that so many of you have. So...........I'm looking for a couple tips please! I started just a basic project for practice, and I wanted to add a cutout profile to the left hand...
  14. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Winter pasture.

    Thank you so much for the replies! I guess I won't worry to much then. The only reason I did was because, believe it or not, the grass is still really green under there. On the hill we are on, there really wasn't ever a point this fall where the grass turned brown, and died. I did watch them...
  15. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Winter pasture.

    Well, in general, I'm just worried about putting an easy keeper who hasn't been out on grass for more than an hour a day, out in a fence where they can get grass that does still have green to it. I know in the summer, putting them out there all day would not be a smart decision at all, but I'm...
  16. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Winter pasture.

    Our main fence that we use for our haflinger and mini was iced over this weekend, and the only place they can get out for now, until we get more snow, is the grass pasture. It is covered with a good bit of snow, but the haffie can easily dig down to get at what grass is there. Neither have...
  17. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Let's see your 2008 purchases!

    This is our first driving haflinger, he's got the best teddy bear personality, drives like a pro, and has been in a couple parades. He's a gelding, roughly 13.2HH, and built like a tank! The people we bought him from, fed him a little to well, and he needs to lose a few pounds. He's doing...
  18. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    WOW, and double WOW, total pg. 31

    $20 sent via PayPal from Dave and I. Are there still any of the Ozark Tack gift certificates available?
  19. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Flowers of Autumn

    Beautiful pictures everyone! I absolutely love fall! We do not get much color in our woods being as the woods is mostly large oak trees, and they tend to go more from green to brown vs. getting color. So, when my family was here, I drove them just a couple miles down the road to see some...
  20. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Thinking of buying some Alpacas

    To most people who have alpacas, they are a "business", and the numbers they have in their herd sometimes makes it impossible to take the time each one needs to become tame. If you get them young enough I think it's easier to tame them, but for the most part, alpacas enjoy being in the herd...