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  1. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Photo program

    I just bought Photoshop Elements 6 as well, and highly recommend it, you will really love it. I was terrified to learn it at first, there is just wayyyyy to much to this program, and it can be confusing and overwhelming. I had an older version of photoshop before, and just gave up on it...
  2. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Can anyone tell me more about this buggy?

    We made the decision a while ago, that we were getting out of minis. This new property that we moved to is just to hilly, not at all mini friendly, and we haven't been able to enjoy driving for quite some time. We are keeping one as a pet, but decided that we are moving on to haflingers, and...
  3. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Monarch Butterflies.

    You are very welcome! We released two more today, we were hoping for four, but for some reason two of them just couldn't get their wings unfolded the way they should.
  4. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Monarch Butterflies.

    Has anyone on here ever watched the life cycle of a monarch butterfly? Someone on another forum I frequent gave me the idea for this, and I went out an collected monarchs in the caterpillar stage from my own front yard. They live on milkweed plants, and as I understand, monarch populations are...
  5. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Plant ID please!

    Nope, they are NOT edible. If you go back up to post #5, I put a link on there to what it is, and to the forum that helped me identify the plant. I thought that forum might come in handy at some point if you ever need help identifying anything. I put a couple posts on there that I needed...
  6. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Plant ID please!

    Oh, you are very welcome for the link! Might come in handy at some point I thought.
  7. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Plant ID please!

    Found it! I just found a plant identification forum, and was able to have someone identify it very quickly. It's a Aralia racemosa. If anyone is ever looking to identify a plant, this forum was extremely helpful. It's called: Plant and Tree Identification Discussion Forum
  8. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Plant ID please!

    We're in wisconsin. Unlike a blackberry or raspberry that is one big berry, these are all individual little round berries on their own stems. They look like they'd be one big berry, but they are not.
  9. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Plant ID please!

    Can anyone end my husbands misery, and identify this plant please? We have several types of wild berries in our woods that he has been picking, but he hasn't been able to identify this one, and it's bugging the heck out of him!!! He said the plant is about 4' tall, and the bigger leaves are...
  10. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Photo Edit?

    I'm just learning photoshop, so thought I'd join in. Here's Blazer.........I'm still practicing on Poppy!
  11. Soggy Bottom Ranch


    You also need to consider the type of fencing you have, how safe is it really? Can anything get in by walking right in, jumping, digging, or crawling? Coyotes run in packs, so don't rely on the fact that you have just one. We just built a 6' rail fence here this summer, and hopefully before...
  12. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    "as the stomach turns"

    Ouch! Darn bees! I know exactly how that feels! Two weeks ago I got stung in the stomache 2x, and where I was stung each swelled pretty good. The itch was AWEFUL!!!! It burned it itched so bad! What finally worked for me was benedryl cream, it worked almost imediately to relieve the...
  13. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Need help for a friends horses.

    Just wanted to update on this. Talked with my friend, and they got a new load of hay in this weekend. After feeding the new hay, all the diarreaha has stopped, and they are back to normal stools with all of them. There is just something in that hay! Thank you to all of you who took the time...
  14. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    What pattern is he considered?

    Awwww...........thank you! Spot is a sweet heart, and a big goofball! And yes Christina, your little guy and mine have the same sire!
  15. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Need help for a friends horses.

    From what I have been told, all 3 were down, rolling, and looking as if they were in great discomfort. Thank you for the replys!
  16. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    What pattern is he considered?

    Thank you both!
  17. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    What pattern is he considered?

    We were having a bbq out in the back yard today, and I just happened to catch sight of Spot standing by the fence. It just hit me that he really looked different, so I had to come and check out some pics. Even since last year, he's lost quite a bit of black on his legs and head. I went back...
  18. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Need help for a friends horses.

    Ok, here are the pics of the hay. To me, this is typical of what I'd expect around here for first crop. We just had so much rain, the farmers couldn't get in their fields until late to even get it baled. I've picked up samples to look at around here, and saw the very same thing. Very...
  19. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Need help for a friends horses.

    Ok, the owner just sent me some photos of the hay that I'm going to post in a bit. I'm just getting in from a long day.
  20. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Need help for a friends horses.

    Ok, salting the hay was what I was thinking of.