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    Just a few fun pictures of my 'kids'

    I just love that SweetTart! Debbie
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    Stephen King's book

    Please let me know if it continues to be good. I want to pick it up for my husband for a Christmas gift. Thanks, Debbie
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    Hi all, I have a mare approaching the 120 day mark. Where is the best place to purchase the wee-foal test? I have used it before but I forgot where I ordered it from. Thanks, Debbie
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    I never thought I would get one but...New shetland

    Hi, Just wanted to say that I own two minis from Laura at Flying A. They are my best girls! I know you will just love your guy. Debbie
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    Expired registration

    Thanks Carolyn, that is great news! Debbie
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    Expired registration

    I forgot to say that he is AMHA. Debbie
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    Expired registration

    Hello, I bought my first mini about 5 yrs ago. I promptly had him gelded and never had his papers transferred into my name or brought permanent. I would really like to get this little guys papers in order, can it be done? Debbie
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    Registration Question

    I feel about the same. I forgot to mention that it has only taken me 2 yrs to get around to changing things LOL. Thanks everyone the registries got back with me with the info. Debbie
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    Registration Question

    Hello, When you get married and your name changes, do you need to change the name on your horse's registration or is there and easier way to do it? Thanks, Debbie
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    My new Miniature Horse

    Would a Wee-foal test work? Best of luck with your little sweetie. Debbie
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    My Merry Beth

    See Marty, I told you she looked Great! Debbie
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    Beet pulp vs. grain

    Thanks for the info. I will look into the ration balancer. Debbie
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    Beet pulp vs. grain

    Hello, I have a couple of horses that I would like to slim down a bit. Would replacing their morning grain(very little grain) with a cup of soaked beet pulp help? Thanks, Debbie
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    Anyone remember my "Baby Chrissy"???

    Hi Marty, I think she is lovely! Debbie
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    My little Suprise!

    Hey, Send her my way. She is just what I have been looking for. Good luck. Debbie
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    Cute Boxer Pictures

    They are adorable!! I think I have your dog's twin sister! Mine has been crazy since day one LOL. Debbie
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    Mulligan's Run - Sugar Babe

    Hi She just had a darling little colt. I got lucky and saw the birth! Debbie
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    Repeat Buyer

    Hi, Just have to say that I LOVE my mares from Flying A Farm and Laura is a real joy to work with. Thanks Laura Debbie
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    hinny x donkey

    Hi Folks, Sorry about the blank response. I will try to get a picture this week. Thanks so much for all the info. Debbie