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  1. N

    Remember Lucas, my orphan colt last year

    When I say "Thank You" - I honestly mean "THANK YOU" from the bottom of our hearts!! I think I probably would have lost my sanity had you guys not been here for us - even though Lucas isn't a mini. There were several times I was on the verge of panic - you guys saved me & him both - and yes I...
  2. N

    Remember Lucas, my orphan colt last year

    Hi Remember Lucas my orphan colt that lost his mom at 3 days old. Well here he is now. Lucas & I would like to thank all who offered help and support. Without the help of you guys his chances of survival probably would have been slim. As I really didn't have a clue on what to do. So here...
  3. N

    a plea! to newbies

    I to would be skeptical on if this was the horse I had originally sold to them. Seems that the marks don't match up to what is on the first picture. For one thing it has dark from the rearend further up towards the mane in the second pic than the first - the first shows it being more white...
  4. N

    Manners and lack thereof

    I too like my personal space & time. But I love people to drop by even if it is unexpectedly or unannounced. Not to mention alot that do this is usually friends I haven't seen in a while. I figure if they came to see my house they really didn't stop by to see me. And if this is the case more...
  5. N

    horse abuse

    I had this same kind of deal happen to me. We had neighbors who were literally starving their hoses. I called the sheriff numerous times. They did nothing. I was asked by these neighbors to feed their horses while they went on vacation - feed I did - also took pictures. I then called the...
  6. N

    Prayers needed for foal

    Hi there, I raised a full size orphan colt last summer. Lucas was born on July 5th and his mother, Remington, died on July 8th from a prolapsed uterus. I assume since the foal was born Monday night and the mare was put down today that it did receive colostrum from the mare. Which is good...
  7. N

    Does anyone use "Moorman's" horse feed??

    Our feed store sells the Moorman brand - it has been bought out by ADM (I think). I will have to check on this, but I think this is the case. So you might check and see if they carry ADM brand.
  8. N

    When do mares stop absorbing the fetus

    Did you try the ring test on her to see what it indicated? Just curious as several have said it will tell you if they are pregnant or not. May not be accurate, I don't know, but might be worth trying just to see what it says.
  9. N

    Cost to update AMHR from temporary

    Maxine - Just a thought here. If you become a member now though you would have the benefit of getting the Journal for the entire year. Since AMHR dues are due by the end of December not the anniversary date of when you become a member. Hope this makes sense to you.
  10. N

    AMHR Paperwork

    Just thought I'd let you guys know that I sent in paperwork for 3 different horses and got all of it back within 2 weeks. I was thrilled with the return time. Have heard how slow they are with paperwork - I can't say this. Now if they would just get my name spelled right on my membership card...
  11. N

    Silver dapples--

    We have a silver dapple coming 2 year old. When I got her I picked her out as a palomino - it was winter. Then during the summer she shed out to a beautiful dark silver dapple with the silver mane and tail. Again this winter she is lighter but not as light as when I first picked her out...
  12. N

    Who had a really rotten year?

    Well, I can't say that this year was rotten, but I can say it wasn't the best either. I've had worse but also have had a lot better. The highlight of the year was getting a grandson. Our daughter, Cassie, and son-in-law, Brad, had a 9 lb 6 oz baby boy born March 1. This was great. But then...
  13. N

    Play this Christmas game! It's fun!

    Christmas Eve service=rejoicing
  14. N

    How cold is it where you live???

    We are currently at 57 degrees. Last week was a cold one for us though. So nice to have warm weather this week.
  15. N

    I felt definate movement

    Congratulations - this is so neat!! I was out hugging ours last night but couldn't feel anything. They looked at me like "do you mind, I'm trying to eat here and you're bear hugging my stomach-what's the deal?". Hopefully I'll feel movement soon, I can hardly wait. Oh the excitement you...
  16. N

    Excitement in the barn shed this morning!

    Watch for more as there may be more. A friend here kept having something get into her chickens and killing them. Plus it killed a litter of kittens she had in the barn. Needless to say they trapped and killed 5 coons over a couple days. They had been eating her cat food that the cats hadn't...
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    Play this Christmas game! It's fun!

  18. N

    Play this Christmas game! It's fun!

  19. N

    Dog Wars!!

    Gosh - glad no one was seriously hurt. You did make the story funny which I sure was far from it while all this was happening. What a work out - some people exercise in the weirdest ways - think I'll stick to the old fashion setups - ha ha
  20. N

    The 12 Days of Christmas done OUR WAY!

    Too Funny Great Talent!