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  1. N

    Some new pictures of Little Kings Big City Buck

    Absolutely Beautiful - Both of them!!!
  2. N

    Follow up to Bonnie's reading

    Nice to hear this as I was considering having her talk to an abused mare we rescued. She is terrified to let me pick her feet up. Needless to say I haven't gotten to the back ones as this mare was out to kick your head off when we got her. She hasn't tried kicking us for a long time - but for...
  3. N

    Prayers for Countryhaven

    So sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet mare. May her baby continue to do well.
  4. N

    what do you do

    Yep - I'm the one that goes out even though I'm scared of the dark and my hubby stands at the window in his shorts watching me - lol - as if someone or thing was to grab me he'd be jumping out the door to stop them in his underwear - probably stop them by them dying of laughter!!!
  5. N

    Question about prices on the sale board

    I'll be interested in the replies also. As I have my eye on one listed, but I am not good at making offers - so usually just pay what is listed without even asking if they'd accept a lower price!
  6. N

    Foaling season is FINALLY over!

  7. N

    Remember the stallion..

    Don't know what color he is, but looks to be pretty athletic!!!
  8. N

    More Pircutres of Image!

    He's very pretty!! I found an all natural fly spray for my orphan - it works sorta - but the flies were about to carry him away - even for as big and tall as he is. The flies love that milk on his whiskers, face and wherever else he's splashed it - and I think they just love him in general...
  9. N

    This is Holly's hubby, NICK

    What a handsome dude - see that he got all cleaned up
  10. N

    Rainbow Bridge

    Cried all over again - Truly Beautiful!!
  11. N

    My new addition :)

    She is gorgeous!!1 Very Pretty!
  12. N

    Cought them in the act of shareing secrets!!!

  13. N

    Lost Spoke's Winter Dreamcatcher

    PRETTY PRETTY and I love the spots!
  14. N

    Orphan Colt

    Yes he does have legs - and he hasn't tried using them on me since I kicked him when he was trying to do so to me - so hopefully we have that issued straightened out. As you all can now see why I didn't want him kicking at me - I don't want to have to invest in a pair of false teeth
  15. N

    Introducing Trigger

    Pretty Pretty - love his markings and color
  16. N


    Hope Cherokee comes through the surgery with flying colors and that her recovery will be fairly easy on her. Best of Luck!! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
  17. N

    Work Work Work Work Work......

    I love spending time with my horses. But never seems like I have enough time with them. Especially with working, family and all the others animals we have. We have had new pasture fence to put up now for the past 3 or 4 years - have it just need to find the time to get it up also. Once it is...
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    Congratulations - looking forward to seeing pictures of the new one
  19. N

    There's Going to be a new kid on our block!

    Very pretty - congratulations!! Love the name - maybe because my eldest daughter's name is Cassie!!!
  20. N

    Some advice please

    I'll be hoping the eyelid heals up nicely for you with minimum scarring - and hopefully you'll be able to keep showing her after she is healed.