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  1. N

    By the way

    CUTE - FOR SURE!!!
  2. N

    Orphan Colt

    Rabbitsfizz - I like that - and the name of the company I work for is Oliver Manufacturing Company - I could call him Twist - I'll let ya know - but thanks - I do likey
  3. N

    New purchases

    Very nice girls - congratulations
  4. N

    Just some pictures....

    Neat pictures Nicole - looks like they are doing well!!
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    Orphan Colt

    How does Little Orphan Andy sound for his name - I did like Remington's Legacy - but he isn't registered so need a common simple name - could call him Andy - but than again - don't know - open to suggestions. His sire was registered Doc Bar, Peppy San and Poco Bloodlines - to those of you that...
  6. N

    Update on my colt

    Love his markings - hope he is doing good - what a cute colt!
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    Orphan Colt

    He is doing GREAT today - we woke up to this morning's feeding with 2 black tar piles
  8. N

    Orphan Colt

    Hi - here are a couple pics of the orphan colt I am raising. He is 1 week old today. Thanks for all the help you guys have given me on him!!! Vickie
  9. N

    What's happening

    Thanks Miniv - I just don't want to lose this little big guy - things have been so emotional for me - didn't help that we had lost our Boston Terrrier we had for 12 years on June 27th either. Thanks so much for all of your help - I really honestly do appreciate it! You guys are GREAT!
  10. N

    What's happening

    He is 6 days old today - he always finishes off his milk - would he be drinking all of his milk if he was filled up on water? The one pile I did find was yesterday morning - looked like a dog log - and was black and gooey. I don't think he has a diarhea as his back end is clean and I sit with...
  11. N

    What's happening

    I have been giving him some hay. Plus he has been licking on the salt or I should say sucking on the salt block alot - which in turn makes him drink alot of water. Which I feel is good that he is drinking quite abit of water - thought this would help him go. Oh, have also been putting Nutrena...
  12. N

    What's happening

    My ophan colt is drinking fine. But I have not noticed but one pile from him since he has been on the Foal Lac. Being worried I ran to Wal-Mart at 2 a.m. Sunday morning - nice shopping these hours there - but our Wal-Mart has discontinued the infant and children fleet enemas. So bought the...
  13. N

    Everyone Else Sharing Pics

    What a cute and talented young man!!!
  14. N

    Need some more help

    Sorry Marty - and no I am not at all found at being kicked at since his feet can already reach chest/head high on me. I have really been rubbing him down everywhere - thought he might have a touchy part - he kicked at me again tonight and without thinking I kicked back - as this is what I've...
  15. N

    Fly Spray

    The flies are really all over this colt. The only fly spray I have is Mosquito Halt - it says not to use on a foal under 6 weeks of age unless prescribed by a vet. Since my vet is out - was wondering if any of you know what could be used on a 4 day old colt - this may be part of his kicking -...
  16. N

    Need some more help

    Well my little big boy is licking the milk up pretty good from the bucket. But right now I am open to some suggestions. I just got back in from feeding him and while I was out there he tried kicking me with both back feet 3 or 4 times. I pushed his hinny over the first time - the next times I...
  17. N

    Can't Believe It ---

    Well things are looking up - thankfully. We have made progress after a long long night. I was with the colt until 1 trying to get him to drink - finally I hooked a bucket on the chain around the gate with the milk plus karo in it. When I went back out at 3 it was gone - I was hoping he had...
  18. N

    Can't Believe It ---

    I just got back in - he wouldn't drink - I will try the bowl - plan on going out in about 15 mins again - the vet wants him to drink 1 1/2 pints every 3 hours. So need to get him going - he is still up - still screaming for mom. I have cried so much my head hurts. I try to put the cheery face...
  19. N

    Can't Believe It ---

    I always read the posts of everyone losing their horses on here and it usually just makes me feel so horrible - I don't post as I never know what to say as I'm usually in tears. People tell me I'm too sensitive - maybe. Well today Rory went out to water horses and he came running back into the...