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  1. S

    Bluegrass Miniature Horse Sale

    My daughter did not get the mare she wanted.. The owners "no saled" her, wanted at least $2K. I don't blame them she was a nice mare in foal to a really nice stallion.. But there's always next year We did buy quite a bit of tack as well and a new XS hot pink halter and lead for our filly...
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    Bluegrass Miniature Horse Sale

    This is a special thanks to the Bluegrass Miniature Horse Club and especially Don/Billie Rickertt for all their hard work organizing such a great sale held this past weekend in Shelbyville, KY. This was my third year in attendance and I do believe this was the best one yet.. The tack sale...
  3. S

    Update on "Miss Sassy"

    She has continued to improve!! She will be 4 weeks old this weekend and has come along way from how sick she was. She is so sweet. We still aren't sure if she will be black or gray, but she does have 2 dark blue eyes. These pics were taken last night... Sassy giving kisses Fox Creek...
  4. S

    Prayers for Baby Abbie, Please...

    She sure is a cutie!!! We just had our own ordeal with a new filly, so I know where you are coming from... Our filly is now doing Great, I hope your does the same! Best Wishes from KY!!
  5. S

    Does anyone know of a good mini horse sale?

    Here is the link to the sale flyer and the horses are posted online as well.. Very nice sale, it will be next weekend in Shelbyville, KY.
  6. S

    For those "Waiting" on New Foals....

    This for all of those awaiting foals..... I found this really funny account of "A Typical Night In The Life Of A Broodmare Owner" in an issue of Horse & Rider Magazine. I hope you enjoy it.... Are you waiting for that equine bundle of joy to arrive? Here's a tongue-in-cheek account of one...
  7. S

    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    Caycee and I let them out for a little while again tonight. It done my heart good to see her trotting/cantering and even trying to buck!!! She has come so far from where she was this time last week!! She has even nickered to us twice, when she see us coming!!! That is worth it ALL!!! Miss...
  8. S

    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    Miss Sassy is doing GREAT!!! She seems to be recovering very well. We let them go out in the sunshine today for a little while. It was the first time she has been out of a stall in 10 days. I actually have some pics of her, if I can ever figure out how to post them on here.. Thanks again...
  9. S

    Finally, we had our first foal for 2008!

    He is a cutie!!! Caycee and I just love that cute little face!!!!!
  10. S

    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    Miss Sassy is doing fabulous!!!!! No more IV's and down to limited meds.... Yeah!!!!!! Thank you all so much for all the prayers and good wishes!!!
  11. S

    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    Thanks so much!! She is doing great!! The vet is considering taking out her IV this pm and just going with oral meds. She has not required any fluids since 3 am today (and it had been 7 hours before that) and she has been maintaining her temperature as well. The "D" is now about the...
  12. S

    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    Sassy is definetly living up to her name, she is still fighting!!! She does seem improved today. Her temp has been steadily coming down since midnight. About an hour ago it was 100.2 and the diarrhea is starting to form a little. It is more like runny oatmeal and that is so MUCH better than 24...
  13. S

    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    Thanks for your suggestion, The vet has been giving her this since Thurs along with metranitrazol (sp?), ampicillin, vasoveal (sP?), pepto, yogurt, and one more antibotic that I can't remember the name of right now. (any and all of these Rx's listed maybe written wrong, as to type/spelling...
  14. S

    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    I really do appreciate everybody's support!! However she has not improved any from last night,as things are still about the same. She Still has a fever of 101.3 and still has Diarrhea--which since yesterday afternoon has been watery and clear, Which is like what she had on day two of getting...
  15. S

    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    Well everybody, I am sad to report that Sassy has taken a turn for the worse. Her fever is back up to 101 and she still has Diarrhea. They are back to giving fluids every 2 hours instead of every 4. They have also been giving her the yogurt as one of you had suggested. We went and spent so...
  16. S

    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    Thanks for asking... Her fever has stayed down, but she still has diarrhea. The most she can go is 4 hours before they need to give her IV fluids again. They are going to keep her at least another 24 hrs. ... She is eating well and seems great otherwise!!! Hopefully another day and she will...
  17. S

    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    Just had a call from the vet... "SASSY" IS DOING MUCH BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her Fever is now down to 99.3, much better than the 103.7 from this am!!!! They will be continuing to give her IV antibotics and fluid every two hours for at least the next 24 hours. Things are looking much better...
  18. S

    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    I originally did think it was foal heat related, the symptoms were very similar in the beginning, But she was only 3 days old when this all started. She will just be a week old this evening about 6.
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    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    Thanks, I will look into it..
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    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    Thanks so much... Actually we have not "Offically" decided on a name for her. But my daughter has been calling her "Sassy" since she was born... Maybe it fits, she has been a fighter...