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  1. S

    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    Just heard from the vet.. IgG count was normal. Her WBC was elevated. Kidneys aren't functioning very well, and the antibotics/banamine she was on, could have been contributing to that. Fever still 102.7 They are giving her IV fluids and Antibotic's for being Septic. Gave her a better...
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    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    Thanks so much for all the info/suggestions everyone has been sending.. She has a fever of 103.7 this am. I spoke with a different vet early this morning at the equine hospital. My husband and daughter are currently in route to take the mare and foal there. I'll keep you posted..
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    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    I have spoken w/the vet twice in the last hour. Her fever is now 102.7 We are going to have her @ the vet when they open in the am, for more tests and IV, etc. They are also going to test for transfer failure. Thanks for all the info.
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    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    They did give her fluids on Tues afternoon, she was just borderline dehyd. then I think they gave her 300 cc? subcutaneousally (sp?) I have checked her even tonight and she does not seem dehhydrated. She is still nursing, and moving around. But she spends a lot of time just standing around...
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    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    I do not post here very often, but do read often for valuable info. Now I am hoping someone has seen this before and can offer info before my little filly runs out of time... Our filly was born last Thurs. Very uneventful birth everything went smoothly. She was given a Tetanus shot and...
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    Award Ribbons.........What do you prefer???????

    I will have to add... I have 3 children who show and at the end of each show season, they decide which shows they want to go to next year based on the style/type ribbons they received. So style definetly matters!!! Skimp on the ribbons and we don't go back. The ribbons are very important to...
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    October Minature Horse World

    Alison is doing an awesome job! I emailed her late last night (after 8 pm) and had a response within an hour on this same issue. I also told her how much I appreciate her! :aktion033:
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    Anyone going to the South Kentucky Sale?

    We went to the last one which was in August and there were probably 80-90 horses of which only about 20 or so were of very good quality. For the most part they were very inexpensive, especially if someone was just looking for a good backyard pet. The biggest suprise I saw that day was a...
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    Need copy of AMHR Pedigree

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    Need copy of AMHR Pedigree

    I would appreciate anyone who could look and email me the pedigree for the weanling filly we recently purchased. Thanks in Advance. Silver Belle Farms Touch of Gold 282102T
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    It's that time

    We will be there.... My daughter and son will be showing all three days.. We are really looking forward to it. We showed at the Julep Cup last weekend and they did pretty good.
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    Health Requirements to Ohio

    I live in KY and they are very strict in stopping and checking rigs. I know lots of people that have been stopped. One particular elderly couple did not have the proper papers and were fined $500 per horse. We were traveling last summer and was stopped twice in one day, and so was the other...
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    Do you know these people or horses?

    We have a gelding that we just love and before he was gelded he sired 11 foals. We are trying to locate some of his progeny. If you know of any of these horses/people please let me know. WW Midnight Star AMHA #A137696 4/26/02 Diana or David Surencamp - Breeders Mina Margaret...
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    Horse Show in Central, KY

    This is our area's first venture into Miniature Horse Classes. If possible, please come and attend. If we have a good turnout there will be a bigger show next year. Clark County Fairgrounds (Rt. 15) in Winchester, KY 40391 Friday May 18th, @ 6:30 (rain or shine) Miniature Mares @ Halter...
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    Bluegrass Miniature Horse Sale -- Who's Going?

    This was a really great sale this year... :aktion033: There were lots of quality horses this year. I thought the Prices were fairly good as well. Most of the horses were in the $800-$1800 range. One Rowdy bred mare brought over $3500.00 I bought lot #2 a Fishers bred mare due to foal in...
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    Bluegrass Miniature Horse Sale -- Who's Going?

    We are going. We went last year as well, but did not end up buying any horses, even though I would have liked to. We did buy a lot of tack and even a cart. I'm really looking forward to it. I was hoping to go on Friday night, but we are still watching an overdue mare..sigh.... So we may...
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    Platform Miniature Feed Coupons

    In todays mail I had a coupon from Farnam for their Miniature Horse and Pony Feed. It is a buy one bag get one free. If anyone received one that they don't want to use, I would love to have them, as I use a bag a week. : I also saw that they expire 3/31/2007. Thanks so much, Cynthia
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    MareStare Watchers

    This mare is very nervous, pacing, pawing. She is surely can't be too far away. She acts like she wants out that gate really bad.
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    For those interestest, mini on

    I checked on Lucy this morning about 7 am and she had NOT foaled. Since then I can't get the link to open, either.
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    What's the Oldest Horse You Ever Trained and Showed ...

    We bought a gelding last year that was 10 years old and to my knowledge had never been showed. My 9 year old started showing him and is currently in the Top 10 Honor Roll for AMHA in the Nation for Youth Country Pleasure Driving.