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  1. KrazyHorses

    Shetlands w/ "Magic" in their name

    Thank you so much for looking up that information. I love finding out as much as I can about my horses. This is not the best photo, but here she is w/ this years colt. I hope to get her in the next week or so.
  2. KrazyHorses

    Shetlands w/ "Magic" in their name

    She's solid black and has produced all pinto foals. (does that indicate anything re: LW? or should I still have her tested?)
  3. KrazyHorses

    What does the VB stand for?

    What does the VB stand for at the end of the registered name?
  4. KrazyHorses

    Shetlands w/ "Magic" in their name

    I thought that might be the case, but I wasn't sure. It seemed like there is an awful lot of Shetlands w/ Magic somewhere in their name (I thought it might be like "Sweetwater's" in the mini's :new_shocked: ) There was a pinto mare I was looking at in Florida Double the Magic Sire: Magic...
  5. KrazyHorses

    Shetlands w/ "Magic" in their name

    I'm looking for information about Shetlands with "Magic" in their names. Is there a certain breeder they come from? What kind of bloodlines? Hope I'm not being too vague.
  6. KrazyHorses

    I Got A Big Time Biter?? How Do I Make Him Stop??

    My little guy has been that way since the day he was born...rearing and nipping. He will be three months on Dec 26th. I've been reprimanding him and he complies, but the minute you aren't looking he tries to sneak a nip. His mom lets him jump all over her and lets him nip her all over. Her...
  7. KrazyHorses

    Would love to see pics. of black minis

    Ironic to find this post when I logged on. I'm shopping for my next mini (or shetland). I've looked at Cremellos, Buckskins, Roans, Appys, Paints...but nothing was quite striking me the right way. Then I started looking at Silver Bays and Chestnut w/ flaxen...but I already have a nice Silver...
  8. KrazyHorses

    When do they drop?

    My little colt will be two months old Nov 26th. I can feel both testicles. I was wondering how old he should be before I geld him. Anyone know? (6-months?, 8- months?) It's an old wives tale about the effect on their growth, right?
  9. KrazyHorses

    Foal poop...what's normal?

    How do you know when to give an enema? What kind of enema do you give a foal? How much? How far?
  10. KrazyHorses

    Foal poop...what's normal?

    Junior is a week old now. After he was born, he passed his meconium poop (before I could even think of giving an enema). Then, went on to regular poop. Well, it is not manure balls, but looks more like dog poop. Sometimes, he puts his tail up and looks like he is going to poop, but doesn't...
  11. KrazyHorses

    It's a BOY!!

    duplicate post deleted.
  12. KrazyHorses

    It's a BOY!!

    Thanks everyone! They had their first outing yesterday, and talk about a proud Momma! She was so happy to be out and showing off Junior. Her head couldn't have been held any higher and she was struttin' all around. It was amazing to see the new foal running right along side Mom. I'll try to...
  13. KrazyHorses

    It's a BOY!!

    Thanks everyone The little guy is now racing around the stall...LOL! So, how long should he stay in the stall w/ his mom? and, when will he need a bucket of water put down? (he can't reach Mom's waterer) and, how long will Momma Mare remain a witch? and, when can Mom and baby go out into a...
  14. KrazyHorses

    It's a BOY!!

    Went to the barn at 7am this morning and found this little guy! He looks very much like his Momma, but w/ one blue eye.
  15. KrazyHorses

    When? Is this mare going to foal

    I went to sleep last night thinking I was weeks away...When I lifted her tail this morning, her vulva is elongated and very relaxed...but no color change inside. I am taking my daughter to the Florida Aquarium this morning for Girl Scout (Brownie) group activities. I should be OK to go for a...
  16. KrazyHorses

    When? Is this mare going to foal

    :new_shocked: 3-4 more weeks! I think she'll pop! thanks for the estimate...I appreciate your knowledge.
  17. KrazyHorses

    When? Is this mare going to foal

    When I bought my mare in Jan 06 she had been w/ a stallion since Sept 05. I thought she was going to foal in August, but we are now at the end of September. WHEN is this baby coming?? Any guesses?? This is my first.
  18. KrazyHorses

    keeping your mini at home...

    Can you request a variance? Can you gather signatures in your support from your neighbors/neighborhood? Can you provide drawings for the shelter/stall, turnout, and plans for manure removal? Have you documented info about mini's for people who do not know what they are all about...i.e. size...
  19. KrazyHorses

    Mare close to foaling

    OK, I found the thread with all the helpful tips on foaling. I still want to ask about bedding. The vet said to get some straw for her stall. I was reading on the helpful tips thread that many people with mini's use grass hay. Is it a definite NO-NO to keep the shavings in the stall? Can...
  20. KrazyHorses

    Helpful Hints for foaling season....

    My vet wants me to use the 7% for the stump. He said the iodine spray I bought was not strong enough. He said the stuff he gave me will sting them a bit, but it was necessary to prevent infection and proper drying up of the stump.