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  1. K

    Another hardship question. . . name

    I have hard-shipped several horses in to AMHA and AMHR. I prefer registering so that all their papers read the same in each registry. It makes the paperworkd a lot easier. Also,AMHA will put unknown on their papers, at least you can go to the AMHR or ASPC registry studbooks and look the horse...
  2. K

    Is the AMHA Office Open?

    I guess I'll keep trying. Thanks for the replys.
  3. K

    Is the AMHA Office Open?

    I have been trying to get touch with somebody over there for the past several days. Anybody know if they are closed?
  4. K

    feed recall

    If the recall was April 2010, isn't it kind of late now? Being that it was 7 months ago. I feed Strategy and haven't had any problems with it. The problem could have been from a mill in a different area of the country from where my Strategy comes from.
  5. K

    AMHR Stallion Sweepstakes

    When I spoke to Bruce about the photos he said that he just wanted the photos of the 1st place winners for the Journal. If I am wrong, someone please let me know. I know thatJean Barnhill wanted photos of any winners to do a webpage for the Stallion Sweepstakes auction site.
  6. K

    AMHR Stallion Sweepstakes

    I know that the winners had hair pulled for DNA "parent qualify" and the checks were supposed to be sent when they got the results. Any one know the status of that?
  7. K

    Judging Question

    Even a vet certificate isn't always 100% full proof. I know of a Stallion that was shown AMHA that had a vet checked certificate. Was shown as a stallion. Someone purchased the stallion and it turned out he had only one testicle. So, buyer beware!!! Just because it has a vet checked...
  8. K

    Who are the 2010 AMHR grand champions?

    GRAHAM'S KING'S FASHION - owned by KALENAK, PAUL/MAGGIE - shown by WHITE, JOEL D. (But I thought it was Lee! Opps!) Midnight Star Stables - you're right, it was Lee Crutchfield that showed King.
  9. K

    Pet Peeves

    I agree with all the things mentioned so far. One of the biggies I see a lot of in ads and on websites is the use of the word: INFAMOUS! LOL "sire is the infamous so and so" Definition of INFAMOUS 1 : having a reputation of the worst kind : notoriously evil <an infamous traitor> 2 ...
  10. K

    What is 'Hardshipping?"

    You only pay once for the DNA - $41.00. AMHA will send a copy to the Director that will be inspecting the horse.
  11. K

    Question about the AMHR Stallion Sweepstakes Class

    According to the show schedule it looks as if there will only be 2 classes. No division of colts and fillies. Tuesday Morning 8:30 A.M. 134 A. 2010 AMHR Stallion Sweepstakes Under 134 B. 2010 AMHR Stallion Sweepstakes Over
  12. K

    What is 'Hardshipping?"

    I believe the cut off date for hardshipping is Dec 2013. 2010 is the last foal crop that will be eligible to be hardshipped.
  13. K

    Question about the AMHR Stallion Sweepstakes Class

    The 2009 AMHR Stallion Sweepstakes raised $26,900. I was wondering how much of that money is going toward the Sweepstakes payout and how will it be broken down? Anyone know?
  14. K

    shetland types ???

    Many of the Shetlands you see today have been crossed with Hackneys. Thus, sacrificing the "pony" head for the Hackney type head. There are however, different Shetland types. I'll let someone that is better versed in this to elaborate. Remember, minis came from Shetlands. I am fortunate to...
  15. K

    Registration pictures for AMHR

    I agree that I would like to see up dated pics. But I guess the purpose of the pictures in the first place to make sure that the markings on the horse being presented matches the horse on the papers. Of course, if you have a horse that was bay as a baby and has now turn grey, it should...
  16. K

    scam or not

  17. K

    some news on misty

    Parmela, I realize your frustration with this situation, but I do have to differ with you. Lutalyse is given to abort AND to bring a mare into heat(it is given 7 days after the mare has gone out). Multiple injections shouldn't be nessary. Just one injection should do the trick. Especially...
  18. K

    What "type" of pinto was Johnstons Gold Boy?

    No, not that I am aware of. Any pinto foals were the result of the mare being a pinto. If any of those were loud colored I don't know. He did however, like Skipper, put white on the faces of most of his foals.
  19. K

    What "type" of pinto was Johnstons Gold Boy?

    Parmela - Gold Boy was not any type of pinto, nor sabino. He was a solid, but carried the splash gene. He did have a blaze and a pink bottom lip, which is indicative of the splash gene. Wittmaacks Little Skipper (grandson of Gold Boy) looks a lot like Gold boy in his coloring.
  20. K

    Ultrasound probe extender

    I would fore go the extension. The risk is to high that damage can occur. I had a mare that had been ultra-sounded several times with an extension. Very calm mare. No problems. Then one day the vet ultra-sounded her with the extension and for some reason she jumped. Had to rush her to the...