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  1. K

    AMHA closing its books in 2013

    First of all, I wasn't for closing the registry. But since they did, AMHA should make a provision of some sort for the ones that go over. I have to pretty much agree with what John Cherry said. I believe there could be legal issues ahead for AMHA. They can't just "throw" these horses away...
  2. K

    Just a fun poll

    Five of the horses listed in the poll are from the Gold Melody Boy bloodlines. All are my favorites. Buckeroo is a GMB grandson Roan Ranger is a GMB son Sids Rebel goes back to GMB 3 times on the top and bottom of his pedigree Mickey Mouse is a GMB son Skip A Star is a GMB grandson So, of...
  3. K

    Rough, traumic birth

    I wouldn't give up on the colt yet. I had a filly that was born several years ago where the same thing basically happened. I thought to myself - what am I going to do with this poor little blind filly. She could not see for at least 2 weeks, maybe a bit longer. Her eyes were blood red at...
  4. K

    Would like to share pics of my ...

    Thank you everyone for the nice compliments on my special boy. I haven't taken an official measurement of him. I got my measuring stick out when he was a day old and just measured him in the stall with shavings. I got 23". So he could have been anywhere from 22 to 23". I am guessing that he...
  5. K

    Would like to share pics of my ...

    I am proud to announce and share pics of the first triple registered ASPC/AMHR/AMHA foal for NaKar Miniatures. He is also my AMHR Sweepstakes contender. I have several beautiful triple registered Gold Melody Boy/Realization miniature/pony mares and needed an out cross stallion to breed them...
  6. K

    Exhaustion has set in....

    First off, Sue, I want to say that I am sorry about your friend's husband and their family. I know that it must be hard on them. Thank goodness they have such a good friend as you to help them. I am sure that they are very appreciative of your helping them out. All of this and having to...
  7. K

    Pregnent or not

    If she is that far along I would just wait a little bit longer and see if she foals. BUT if you really have to know, the vet can palpate the mare or run a blood test.
  8. K

    HORSESTUDBOOK.COM is it working for anybody for AMHR?

    I just tried to log in and couldn't. I notice that it now says: ONLY NAPHA members can subscribe to the STUDBOOK ON LINE.
  9. K

    Flushing mares

    I don't believe flushing is going to get the Jack to like your mare. I'm sure jack's are just like stallions (or people). Sometimes they get picky about who they like. Once I had a stallion refuse to breed any mare that was a certain color. I have also had stallions that just didn't like a...
  10. K

    Here is update (2 days old) colt..

    He looks to be black, like his mom. Cute little boy.
  11. K

    how and where to microchip?

    LaVern - no queston is a dumb question. The scanner is usually passed right on the horses neck. Some scanners will register at 1/2" from the neck. When the chip is first given it comes with multiple (3) stickers with the number printed on it. The vet puts one or two on the coggins. Usually...
  12. K

    how and where to microchip?

    The chip is inserted into the fatty tissue (well, not really fatty tissue, Like Nathan mentions further in this thread, it is a muscle) just below the mane hairline. Depending on the size of the horse, usually about 6 to 8 inches down the neck from the back of the ears. I usually give an...
  13. K

    Need horse inspected for AMHA

    Jody - I under stand the reason for changing the rule. I believe it was done around June 09. It seems to me that it had plenty of time to have been printed into the 2010 rule book.
  14. K

    Need horse inspected for AMHA

    I had three hardshipped and was told I had to use a current director. I have a past director only 30 min. from me. I had to drive 5 1/2 hours one way to get my girls hardshipped! I guess I should have stomped my feet. Legally I think that I could have had the past director do it. I have a...
  15. K

    Need horse inspected for AMHA

    You can no longer use a past Director. Only a current Director can do hardshipping.
  16. K

    Sale of the Century prices..

    Jan and I ended up with B & L's Rock E The Navigator by complete accident. I don't know what I am going to do with a Shetland Stallion. Especially one that is 42". I was watching him being presented and he was just gorgeous!!! :wub I couldn't believe his bidding price wasn't going a lot...
  17. K

    Micro Chips

    Here in Louisiana Horses have been required to have a microchip (brand or lip tattoo) for several years now. Most do the microchipping. It seems to be the more humane form of indentification. A vet will not pull a coggins without a chip or other ID. All the horses I have shipped overseas...
  18. K

    AMHA Annual Meeting in KY

    Did I miss any threads pertaining to the AMHA Annual meeting? I think they were to suppose to vote on closing the registry and a number of other things. I haven't heard anyone say anything about how things went there. Did anybody go?
  19. K

    Artificial Insemination

    Actually doing AI in minis is quite easy. I have AI'd quite a few of my own mares. In my opinion, one reason it is not done so much is that minis are a lot easier to handle than large horses. The other reason is that the semen doesn't seem to ship well.
  20. K

    More Barn Camera Problems!

    I bought a tv with camera system and it came with only 100 ft. Where i wanted to put the camera was 300 ft away from my house. I purchased the 300 ft cable and the resolution was fine. If I were you I would go to Radio Shack, or somewhere, and see if they have 100 ft cable to fit your camera...