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  1. Kootenay

    Boarding Question

    I have to add that I am not advertising,nor was I looking for a boarder. I hope i'm not breaking forum rules/etc by discussing my situation. I am not a boarding barn or choose to be one. Kim.
  2. Kootenay

    Boarding Question

    I updated in my original post. That's most likely one update of many to come. Edited to kick myself for not charging more. When I stated $150.00 they looked at me like I was from another planet and 'seemed' to accept it. Hubby wanted $250.00 per month, but if they provide everything and all I...
  3. Kootenay

    Boarding Question

    Hay was discussed over the phone, and they will provide that as well as any other cost that incurs with owning a horse. It's their responsibility to take full 'upkeep' care/farrier/vet/deworming/etc. I feed/muck out and provide it with plenty of fresh clean warm water and any special needs. If...
  4. Kootenay

    Boarding Question

    I believe in "trusting your feeling" with people, and i'll see what transpires. We are way too laid back here to stress about this sort of thing anyways. Things seem to fall into my lap anyways. Both my mini horses were acquired via a phone call. I wasn't even looking for a mini horse both...
  5. Kootenay

    Boarding Question

    Hi all, It's been a while since I came and asked for advice, but I have a doozy for you. Received a phone call tonight about someone wanting to board an older standardbred here (17) year old gelding. They have phoned everyone in the area about boarding and everyone has turned them down. I...
  6. Kootenay

    False Alarm

    I've never been so happy to hear that she is pasture fat . I would never breed this mare, and am happy to know she is just 'plump'. Her winter fur is making her look thicker also, but she still is pretty solid underneath all of that.
  7. Kootenay

    False Alarm

    No stallions here, or anywhere around my farm. I didn't mean to 'jump the gun', so to speak. I just didn't want a possible pregnancy here that could have ended up badly. Thank you for all your replies, and the collective knowledge that this forum has.
  8. Kootenay

    False Alarm

    I sure hope she wasn't with a stallion at the breeders farm. I got a hold of her from someone who bought her from the breeder. From what I heard about the breeders farm, there very well could have been a stallion or stallions running with the mares. I cannot make assumptions on hearsay, and...
  9. Kootenay

    False Alarm

    My little Sweet Pea rescue mare has been getting a belly despite proper deworming and having a grass/now hay diet. I blamed the belly on grass, and now i'm not so sure. I've been checking on and off to see if she was developing a bag, and today I felt one--complete with a crusty deposit on...
  10. Kootenay

    Needing pictures of stalls in your barns

    I don't have doors on the outside of the stalls yet, but plan on putting some up, The horses just come in and out from the pasture at their leisure.
  11. Kootenay

    Needing pictures of stalls in your barns

    Here are my stalls: The first one is 12X8: My second stall is 12X24 : Looking down the stall: Looking back up: I have a third stall that I added shavings to tonight, but unfortunately not when this picture was taken: This stall is 8X10. Bare floor view: And one of the...
  12. Kootenay

    Cute Picture From Today To Share

    I was out taking a few photos of the ponies today, and ended up snapping this one of Buddy and Cricket the goat having a race. I also got a few of Sweet Pea tearing it up in the field: More pictures can be seen here: CLICK HERE for more pictures of the minis.
  13. Kootenay

    Shoppers Drug Mart

    I'm sorry if my post sounded like I was trying to cry 'poor me', I was in an altered state of mind from being in the hospital in agony for 24 hours, and I was upset. It disturbed me to see those 'patients' getting their treatment, as I had never seen that before. It made me upset that they...
  14. Kootenay

    Shoppers Drug Mart

    I just spent two days in the hospital after minor surgery that had complications, and when I went to get a prescription filled at Shoppers Drug Mart I noticed a line of 'antsy' looking people. I was pretty out of it at the time, but noticed people lining up to get a drink of something. It turns...
  15. Kootenay

    Coyote,to close for comfort!

    Living right up against a mountain, we have a fairly large pack of coyotes that get too close for comfort. The other night I heard them cayaying, and went to investigate. It turns out one got into a bit of a pickle with the low strands on the electric fence. Don't think that one will try and...
  16. Kootenay

    Your Earliest Pictures Of You And Mini Horses

    Let's see your very first miniature horse photos . Here is mine. I was about 10 or 11 in this photo, and the mini colt I am holding in the picture, I had discovered the morning he was born at the petting zoo I was working at. That little guy was a huge hit due to his tiny size. We named...
  17. Kootenay

    Draft Style Minis

    I wouldn't call my little guy drafty, but he does resemble a haflinger . Personally I think he's just fat and needs to be once again drylotted. Pics of said boy (Buddy): Him and his 'girlfriend (SweetPea)' He thought he was getting more apple slices. Half an apple is enough Buddy . Mr...
  18. Kootenay

    Hotmail help ex accessing my email

    I'd suggest reformatting your computer (fresh install of windows), as it sounds like there is a key stroke logger on your computer. :Kim
  19. Kootenay

    Awsome hamster cage

    Hmmm,,, that looks familiar .
  20. Kootenay

    Update On Goat And Her Hooves

    Hi everyone, Sorry it took me so long to get back to you on the goat/hoof situation--(my hard drive literally blew up with a pop and a crackle followed by smoke). Cricket's leg/foot is doing alot better since the trim. She is still slightly limping, but getting around good with the two minis...