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  1. Kootenay

    Goat Question

    Checking in:--Cricket is walking a bit better. Landlord stopped by to check out the hayfield and reviewed the photos--(no--he didn't ask to see her ). I'll be keeping an eye on her though, and will do a few more sponge offs with the mild bleach solution. It's the best I can do until Sunday...
  2. Kootenay

    Goat Question

    I trimmed her up with help. More than one hoof had grown over, and the shears are pretty worn out due to the hardness of her hooves. Here are a few pictures of the ordeal: The Injured Foot Before: And Again: And Again: Swollen Leg: (She's holding the leg up, so the hoof looks shorter...
  3. Kootenay

    Goat Question

    I am using these trimmers: Fiskars Link , and I sought advice from my pharmacist, and he told me that epsom salts would be like trying to put a fire out with hose with no pressure, and to go with what I thought would be okay which is to have a mild bleach/water solution with a sponge. I'm off...
  4. Kootenay

    Goat Question

    I called my vet and she is conveniently out of town until Sunday. I can't pick up banamine from my local feed store as they don't carry it -(only my vet does). I'll just have to trim the foot and soak it in epsom salts and hope that helps. I'll throw that bute out or give it to my neighbor who...
  5. Kootenay

    Goat Question

    I'll call her. Better safe than sorry. My clippers are here now, so i'll go and trim off that overlap and see if it helps at all.
  6. Kootenay

    Goat Question

    Bump Anyone? She is my landlord's goat, but she's been on my side of the fence since this winter, and it kinda looks like she adopted us . He said to trim her and see if she gets better, but I know for a fact that if she doesn't I am calling my vet and he gets the bill. I just want to keep...
  7. Kootenay

    Goat Question

    Hi everyone, Quick question: I have in my care a fairly large goat with hoof problems--(the hoof growth is curling around the sole of her foot). I will be trimming that off when my clippers get here later today, but I was wondering if she could have a pea sized amount of bute for the pain...
  8. Kootenay

    Bittersweet Day Yesterday

    Hi everyone, I had posted a bit ago about hauling a big horse in a slant load trailer -(thank you all for the advice). Well yesterday was the day to load her up, and I must say that it went pretty well. We backed the trailer up to my field gate and led her up to it to get a good sniff/look...
  9. Kootenay

    Trailering A Big Horse Who has Never Trailered

    UPDATE: She may have to only travel 20 minutes from me to a free lease home until she sells . Talk about a load off my mind if it all works out. Will keep you posted. :Kim
  10. Kootenay

    Trailering A Big Horse Who has Never Trailered

    HG farm and Maple Hollow, thank you. I don't want to end up with a maimed or dead horse either, and I will have everything ready so we load her, tie up and go. Like you say--she may be a good girl and haul well--we'll see. Thanks again. :Kim
  11. Kootenay

    Trailering A Big Horse Who has Never Trailered

    Is tying a horse that spooks/freaks out at new things the right thing to do? She will stand tied for grooming . She will completely lose her head if spooked , and is a little large and dangerous to be messing with. I know this thread may turn into a trainwreck, but there is nothing I can do...
  12. Kootenay

    Trailering A Big Horse Who has Never Trailered

    Thank you for the advice Lisa. I'll put her up front untied. I just hope she loads okay, as I mentioned she's quite possibly never been in a trailer before. I'm stressed enough about that phone call, and now wondering if I can free lease her until she is sold--(this is not a sale ad or trying...
  13. Kootenay

    Trailering A Big Horse Who has Never Trailered

    I'm a total trailer novice. Thank you for the advice, and now the question is-- Do I load her up into the front stall or the stall closest to the back? I assume the front stall, but I could be wrong? EDIT: I'm stressed out/crying cause my not so wonderful hubby just called from work and...
  14. Kootenay

    Trailering A Big Horse Who has Never Trailered

    Hi everyone. I'm trying to sell my big horse, and the main market is about 7 or 800 km's from me, so now I have the issue with trailering a big horse (quarterhorse), who has from my knowledge never been in a trailer. The trailer looks similar to this one: Two Horse Slant Load . I will be...
  15. Kootenay

    Help my horse is biting me and tries to kick me!

    I vote for gelding him. My horse buddy who will be turning 5 was a holy terror as a stallion. Same thing--pretty quiet at first, then the biting, rearing, chasing/attacking. I honestly was ready to put him down as I thought it was neurological. It did take a year or so for him to fully calm...
  16. Kootenay

    Horse Lookup

    I do know part of his name is Monashee, and there was the name Rocky on his papers. It could be that he is deceased .
  17. Kootenay

    Halters left on horses

    I carry one of those around. It's the handiest thing, and compact.
  18. Kootenay

    Horse Lookup

    I'm looking for Monashee's Rocky, He may be deceased, but if any information is available that would be wonderful. He was a fence pacer. Couldn't keep weight on him unless he was tethered out on the green grass. He was a stallion, but hope he was gelded. Here is a not so good picture of him...
  19. Kootenay

    Halters left on horses

    I totally agree with halters on the mama's . They're being monitored at all times, and that's okay. I love the mini break away halters also. I hope i'm not offending anyone by this post. I just wanted to make sure we are all vigilant about our halters on horses.
  20. Kootenay

    Halters left on horses

    Thanks everyone , From a general census, I can see that you not only care about your horses, but you go to that point to make sure they are safe. My two minis walk into their halters, but my biggie quarter horse needs a bit of coaxing. I always catch her though, and she halters wonderfully...