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  1. L

    Foaling season is complete for us

    Love those Silver Dapples! Congrats! :aktion033:
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    Lucy Foals

    Very pretty baby - congratulations! :saludando:
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    Dream horse has FINALLY been born,,,,,

    Wow what a great foal! :aktion033:
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    Pictures of silver bays!

    Here's our Lemon Rocks Sandstorm Princess at her first show. Sorry the picture is soo big.
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    New pics of Emma! Finially some outside pics!

    WOW! She's gorgeous! Lucky you! : :
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    WHOO HOOO!! Sassy foaled!

    I love the markings on this baby! Isn't Spring great! :
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    Appy alert at Lost Spoke Ranch

    Very sweet baby - just love those apps! :
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    We got a LOUD Baby DUCK!!

    Great looking baby - oops I mean Duck - Quack Quack!! :bgrin
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    Dona, Your "Feather" is just gorgeous!! I love those markings! Our mare "Jade" looks a lot like his mom. She had a stillborn black and white pinto filly last year, and I'm thinking she should have her new baby any minute now. Hoping for another beautiful b/w this year! I love your baby boy!! :
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    Pictures Finally of Our Newest Baby

    OK - For everybody that needed a "Foal Fix" or an "Appy Fix" - Here You Go!! :aktion033: : Here's Lemon Rocks Painted Feather - out of our Sweetwaters Maggie McGee (32") and Almost Heaven's Keep A Copy (28 1/2"). We don't know where she got those legs - but I can't imagine how Maggie...
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    Filly Fairy Found Illinois!!

    Yeah! Our little appy stallion K.C. finally gave us a baby with color! We did have a silver dappled out of him last year, but really wanted a blanket!! And, a filly to boot! She's out of Sweetwater's Maggie McGee and really has some legs! Can't get the picture to work this morning, but I'll...
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    Berry Fairy came to Illinois!

    Orion's Little Bear did it again for us! She had a beautiful little colt yesterday afternoon. I had put her out in the round pen for a while and took her for a short walk - put her back in the barn, and about an hour later - Lemon Rock's Blackfoot Bandit was in the building! He's out of our...
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    Feed Question

    Hey Robin Thanks for the info. I knew if you were around you'd pull through for me. That information kind of turns me off on the idea of wheat. From what David said last night he was going to put it in with the Alfalfa when we planted in the spring. It is supposed to help with weed control...
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    Feed Question

    We were wondering about feeding wheat seed. Trying to get an idea of what we want to plant this spring, if it every comes here in central IL. Has anybody ever feed wheat seed, and if so, how do the horses like it? I'm wondering about the protein and if it would be better than oats? Thanks...
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    Ring test

    Last year our result was 3 out of 4. Been too cold to test yet this year. Good Luck!
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    Birds in Barn!

    We've never had this much trouble with birds in our barn, but MAN, this year is an exception. We have lots of birds, and their droppings. Any suggestions on how to keep them out? Thanks and Happy New Year! Cheryl
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    Question - Again

    Pam, What do you use on the walls? We were thinking of making the walls metal. I want to put racks for the shampoos and stuff along the walls within easy reach. What kind of arrangement do you have to tie your horse while you are washing? Do you use that area for clipping also? Cheryl
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    Question - Again

    Hi everybody! Haven't been on in months. Lots of stuff going on here in Illinois. Back many months ago - I know - there were several posts about wash racks and wash rooms in barns. The lousy crew that was putting up our building finally finished. They estimated they would be done by late...
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    Finally - photos of my new stalls

    Your barn looks great!! Our poles went up for ours on Friday - hopefully when I get home from work today I have a rough. Ours is 36 x 48, and I love your stalls. Do you find that the 6 x 8's are wide enough? We've been debating on 8 x 8's. The gates will really allow for great air flow...
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    Talked to a Nutrena Rep

    Hi, Haven't been on the forum in forever, stuff going on all summer and fall. Anyway, can I get a little clarification on the feed issue. I feed a 12% protein pellet, with beet pulp, BOSS, and oats, along with hay. I put the mares in foal on vitamins about 2 months before delivery, and I put...