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  1. L

    ROLL CALL Who is NOT going to Nationals

    Yep, Marty I'm not going either. I work with the Illinois Emergency Management Agency, and we are working with the hurricane victims. We had our reservations made for Tulsa, but couldn't take our horses. We had quite of bit of illness with my husband's Mom this year, and I had a broken toe...
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    Leopard x Leopard foal

    How cute - I love those apps - still waiting on two babies to spot out! They are both 4 months old - one has spotted "unmentionables" the other nothing. So, we'll see. . . Love your baby
  3. L

    Silver Dapple Eye Issues Could not find the other listing - but this one gave some information.
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    Happy Birthday Nootka (LIZ!!!)

  5. L


    Thanks, mine was in February, passed very quietly. Happy Happy to you!!
  6. L

    Look at how she's grown!

    Yeah Joyce!!! Keep up the good work!! She's gorgeous!
  7. L

    Update on Timmy

    Marty Congratulations! I've been offline for a week and was thrilled to learn you had a healthy baby boy! Man, I was in withdrawal from the forum. Congrats! I checked out his pics and he looks like a doll!
  8. L


    Thanks for the information! Yes, we were talking about the pastures. But, we had just baled hay and rinsing was supposed to help if we did get droppings in there. I think I'm just being paranoid, but I try to advocate for my horses on the side of safety. Man, I thought I was being weird...
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    No one has any information to offer on this topic? Hm. . . . .
  10. L

    Are YOU an appy breeder??? Excuse our site, it is, as always, being updated! Almost Heaven's Keep a Copy - stallion - red roan appy Flamin' Miss Maddie - mare - chestnut appy Lemon Rock's Brown Sugar Baby - filly - red roan appy (still working on spots) Lemon Rock's Chances Little Lady - filly...
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    My colleague at work lives in the same county as I do. He has quarter horses and we frequently "horse-talk". We share the same vet and farrier. He came in late today because one of his horses was diagnosed with EPM. The vet said that he has had at least one case a week in our area for a...
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    Baling Hay - Baling Hay - Baling more Hay!!!
  13. L

    What good feed, training, love

    Absolutley nothing better to say than . . . . . . WOW!!!
  14. L

    pet peeve of mine -- heat & horse related

    I definitely agree with everybody and the bra thing! My hubbie is the one that gets hay all over the horses. Drives me crazy - I'm always pulling at the stuff. I went for my first pedicure in over a year, because I finally had no bruises on my feet and I thought I could get away with sandals...
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    How not to balance a cart!

    This is definitely worth a Doofus Award!! I vote for you!! (I'm just glad I didn't do that - I have enough doofus moments of my own! Glad you didn't hurt anything (but your pride!) LOL! You made my Monday!
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    My Old Lady

  17. L

    stall signs

    WOW! That's a great idea! We are putting up a new barn now, and that gives me some great thoughts on how to make our stuff unique. One question - what doe you use to waterproof? You definitely wouldn't want it to get weather beaten or faded, and being in Illinois, that would happen here...
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    Question about a gelding

    I know this is probably a dumb question, but I can't remember seeing this thread on the forum before (doesn't mean it wasn't here, just didn't have a gelding at the time). Can I put my year-old gelding in with a stallion after breeding season? I'm sure I couldn't put him in there during...
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    Hello from Central Illinois! I too have Irish blood in my background! Must be where I got my love of horses! Would love to travel to Ireland some day! It just seems like such a peaceful place to be - I may never want to come back to dear old Illinois! Welcome and look forward to seeing...