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  1. anita

    Everyone Be Safe

    Thank you John Happy New Year to you, Cindy and your family Also Happy New Year to all Lil Beginnings Best wishes Anita
  2. anita

    Merry Christmas Everyone

    Merry Christmas to you and yours! Best wishes Anita
  3. anita

    Lisa (Candlelite Ranch) has passed away...

    Oh very sorry to hear. Deepest condolences to Lisas family Anita
  4. anita

    If You Could Meet One Famous Person...

    OK when you all show your age I'll show mine Rollingstone Mick Jagger
  5. anita

    Mice and Rat control in house or barn

    You might try moth balls. It worked for us
  6. anita


    That's very kind of you, thank you Shelly Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your family Special thanks to our service people. my thoughts are always with you
  7. anita

    Can they DO this?!?

    @ Pepipony, the middle class and lower class get taxed 60 %. That means if you earn $ 1000.00 you get out $ 600.00 end of the month Or you work for yourself Jan to July from there to Dec. for Goverment. BTW Welfares are free to go
  8. anita

    Michael Jackson: This Is It

    Thank you, Ill'' go I was his neighbor for many years and know he was a wonderful person. Anita
  9. anita

    Herd Dispersals

    Thank you Robin! You hit the nail on the head Keep up the good work Anita
  10. anita

    7 MILLION homes

    Our tenent, a retired Navy who raised 4 children by himself, got cut his retirement and had to move out in a camper. We told him stay for few month without rent but he is to proud to do that. Forgot to tell he is looking over 9 month for work.
  11. anita

    Wish Me Luck -- First Oncologist Appt This Morning

    That's wonderful news! Thanks for the update Jill Anita
  12. anita

    please mother died

    My heart goes out to you Kourtney! So sorry for your loss and the pain you must be going through. You are in my thoughts and prayers Anita
  13. anita

    Happy Birthday, Sonya!!!

    Happy Birthday to you! Have a wonderful day Best wishes Anita
  14. anita

    What's wrong with my goats?

    Thank ya'll so much. The goats should be meat goats. I followed your advice and did worm today again with a bit more wormer. Thanks again Anita
  15. anita

    What's wrong with my goats?

    Only have some hobby goats for pets. And they have big bellies and no fat on their backs and shoulders. I feed pasture, costal hay, 1lb goat pellets, wormed last month with 2cc ivomac. I am lost what do I wrong? Thanks in advance Anita
  16. anita

    Update on Jill

    Wonderful news! Speedy recovery Jill Anita
  17. anita

    I really need some prayers and good thoughts

    Jill, you are in my thoughts and prayers! Wish you the best Anita
  18. anita

    Happy 4th of July!!!

    And I'm proud to be American where at least I know I'm free I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today. "Cause there ain't no doubtI love this land God bless the U.S.A. "Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land...
  19. anita

    The latest addition to the Sansevere family

    Congratulations to the Sansevere family! Your girl is adorable Thanks for the good news Anita
  20. anita

    Linda passed away.....

    So very sorry to hear.... Thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Anita