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  1. anita

    looking for a mini farrier

    Dawn here on the forum its haler does a great job. She come in Tyler area often. A
  2. anita

    What supplements?

    We feed good hay free choice and Miniature Horse Feed, thats it. We got gorgeous local trifton hay. Green, clean, smells good, horses like it. If you like I can send you the adress from our hay supplier. Anita
  3. anita

    Our goat and I

    Thank you dear forum members. Goat is ok and eats which is good Uh......These cats can be pretty dangerous I didn't know that. Thought they are a bit bigger like a house cat only wild. Anyways, I followed your advice went to TSC for a trap, racoon trap what they carried. Will see where I get a...
  4. anita

    Small Claims Court

    Attorney General is in your county where the court, your tax office is. I would work in if I were you. Anita
  5. anita

    Our goat and I

    Our goat had a kid today and the baby was taken by a bobcat. Goat loves to wander around and hates to go in a stall. How do I get rid of bobcats. Any experience? Thanks Anita
  6. anita

    I can't keep him a secret any longer!!!

    Congratulations! He is stunning A
  7. anita

    Something to think about

    Around forums is nice to hear other opinion, experience and is informational. But disrespect and bashing people, even our Nation, makes me very mad. I would say we let it go now. Makes no sence to talk about. Lets talk about more importend things Today went smooth and nice. I saw people...
  8. anita


    We have 25 broodmares between 3- and 20 years We breed our mares not under 3-4 years it depends on the horse some are not bred with 4 years. For me the Miniature horse is finish with 5 years. Hope I could answer your question A
  9. anita

    How old is too old?

    Thanks Getitia, very well put. BTW the horse in you avatar is stunning! We don't hesitate to buy a over 20 year old stallion or mare. See above Anita
  10. anita

    Smallest Breeding Stallion?

    Just visited your web Wow, Bob you have a bunch of beautiful stallion! Anita
  11. anita

    Smallest Breeding Stallion?

    Our breeding stallions are OMP Bantam Buckeroo 27, we were thrilled with his 2007 foals so we repeat breeding. First time this year we bred my Little Americas Silver Charmer 25 in moment he is only three so give him an inch more til 5 years old. His is out of Little Americas Silver Tornado is...
  12. anita

    as promised

    Such a cute baby! Thanks for sharing A
  13. anita

    OKLAHOMA & surrounding Forum members are you OK?

    Dawn, I have to tell you are a very sweet lady. You offer your stall and your place thats very kind of you. It gave me a heart warming feeling that we have wonderful caring folks out there. Bless you heart Anita
  14. anita

    Wisdom teeth.....

    This year, I had my first wisdom tooth removed. The action was painless. I am already 50 and more. It was not so bad but kept me on pain meds for 2 days and then went back to normal. Overall I felt better. Anita
  15. anita

    Hackney Ponies...

    Beautiful horses Kim! Thanks for sharing. I have a gelding Hackney like and a Shetland mare til now I think I need more. Hope more keep coming. Great motivation Anita
  16. anita

    Lipizzaner Stallion Show Pix!

    Thank you for sharing Bill Amazing! Beautiful horses. I have visited in Vienna their show actually the training of these awesome horses. Thanks Anita
  17. anita

    Best place to live if you are in the Horse Business

    One and only great state of Texas the Miniature Horse Capital We sell a ranch ca 70 miles east of Dallas 47 acres with cute 3/2 house horse ready to move in. No, no we stay in TX the rest of our lifes Anita
  18. anita

    Stolen fence...

    So sorry! I know fencing is a lot of hard work and pricy. When I read what happens nowadays my brain stops working and can only shake my head. We have an electric gate with the biggest lock what Lowes carries on it. A mini makes a nice Christmas gift............ you know what I mean. Its ok...
  19. anita

    OKLAHOMA & surrounding Forum members are you OK?

    Just watched the news. Pictures from Tulsa didn't look good. Oklahomians please check in and let us know! Anita
  20. anita

    Hmmm...unlisted phone number

    Sounds strange! When I lived in San Diego CA I 've got a call late at 9 pm from Bank of America regarding my account I didn't answer anything. Next day I went to their office and got told Bank of America would never ever call their costumers and so late. So be careful Anita