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  1. L

    Grindings vs shavings

    Speaking of shavings, what is everyone paying per bale now? Joyce
  2. L


    My 3 mini stallions are microchipped. Done a few years back. Joyce L
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    Exporting minis

    It sure has been a great thread for someone like me who has never shipped overseas and probably will never be confronted with that. All was very interesting.
  4. L

    My New Girl

    Very nice by the pictures and you should do well with her. Congratulations, Joyce
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    When a mini falls into inexperienced hands

    In reading this thread, I believe these people just don't have the money to spend on animals and should not have them. But you can tell folks that so I think I'd offer them $200. for the mini since he's in bad shape and I would be surprised if they didn't take it. You can always offer more if...
  6. L

    We had a Nov. surprise foal, yippeeee

    A very cute November surprise!!! Congratulations !! Joyce
  7. L

    Minis on pasture after frost?

    My minis go outside year round unless it's below zero and very windy. Never had a problem. Joyce
  8. L

    Locked stifle surgery

    I had a colt done and he came out fine. It sure is the answer to the problem. The surgery is miner. Joyce
  9. L

    Please help - my shetland pony was attacked by a dog

    I would definitely have him Vet checked and good luck to you. Joyce L
  10. L

    New here and looking for my first mini!

    I, personally, would not sleep nights knowing a mini was in with a big horse. JMO. I know in some cases it is done and nothing happens but you definitely need the right personalities that won't clash. I'd love to sell you a mini as I'm in CT but I would not like that situation in the same...
  11. L

    Stallions of yesteryear..

    Bonnie, I sure do agree with your list of "greats." Moonlight Bay was one of the most beautiful driving horses I've ever seen. And Shady Lady has always been georgeous !!!! And there are many more and too many to list but it's great remembering them. Joyce L
  12. L

    Stallions- I need suggestions

    I have 3 stallions here and each has their own stall and their own lot. No problems. Joyce L
  13. L

    Too small to drive?

    I have no problems with my 30 1/2" mini driving. He does just fine. Joyce L
  14. L

    Melody is hospitalized for the night

    Will say prayers for Melody tonight. Joyce L
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    Who do you prefer better overall, and WHY?

    Both are very nice Mona but I personally would go with Ditto. And with the yearling I would fear he would go over 34". JMO, Joyce L
  16. L

    All this dwarf talk...

    For what my opinion is worth, I don't see a dwarf in her at all. No horse is 100% perfect. Joyce L
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    To: Cindy & Judy: I was feeling pretty chipper on this chilly and windy day until I just read this post Cindy. I am so sorry for you and for Judy to lose this wonderful guy to colic. He had a brillant show life and wonderful homes with both of you and I remember him well. My condolences go...
  18. L

    Do you have individual stalls for each of your mini's?

    All my minis are stalled at night and all in single stalls. We have predators around so I wouldn't sleep if they were outside. Joyce L
  19. L

    Komoko Minis

    I believe they were older breeders down in one of the southern states but are probably out of the business by now. I think if I remember correctly I had a Komoko horse when I first started buying minis. Joyce L
  20. L

    At what age do you guys......

    I always did it somewhere between three and five months depending on the mare and the foal. Joyce L