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  1. B

    The loss of our beautiful Sunshyne.

    She has left a memory in your heart.
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    Update on my Trembly geldings

    Looking good. Lucky boys.
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    Funny? Maybe..

    And Jet Favre!
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    I received a letter from my Union

    Do you know the # of the bill as it was presented? That is the only way to know if a senator has screwed up as there may have been ear marks and other garbage attached to them. That is what makes it so hard to judge them by the voting record. Ask your union to provide you with a copy of the...
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    Who are your

    Yes Newt is a favorite in our household. We have 1 one his books. He has too much in the "closet" though to go any higher and he is honest enough to know that. He does his best work right where he is. Another favorite is Leiberman. None are without fault, then neither are we.
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    What are you doing with your investments????

    I think you are always wise to be diversified. I am retired, not old enough for social security though and i left what i have in the stock market there. It is still riding the wave comfortably. But i have the majority where it is safer.
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    CMHR thanks Miniature Horse Performance Club WI

    How generous. Things like this keep us reminded that there are so many good people yet in this world.
  8. B

    Our President..

    US Senate vote and legislation pending. Shows you who voted for what. US Senate
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    Little "WAR" quiz..

    Hmmm it seems to me it was Bill Clinton and something with Sebia/Kosovo but i am not sure this time.
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    Little "WAR" quiz..

    That one stressd my brain. I have to track down hubby he is the history man LOL.
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    Little "WAR" quiz..

    I believe the first answer would be JFK and the Cuban Missle Crisis. As the war in Iraq continues, it's important to look at the first time a President's problems with UN inspections for weapons of mass destruction led to a tragic result. The President was John F. Kennedy, but his story has...
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    Vice Presidential Candidates

    I would have liked to seen Lieberman get on the ticket, he ran with Gore before if you remember. Not a Gore fan though. Liberman is an Independent/Democrat which is confusing but he as an Independent i think he would have made a good fit with McCain. Pawlenty, my governor also would have done...
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    Nationals Bound

    Exciting. Have fun and bring home some ribbons.
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    Need answer to question - impending foaling.... Crystal

    Will be waiting for the wee one. Come on Crystal let's get this done.
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    Oh that sleigh is pretty. We picked up one at an auction a few years. It is basic and simple but thought i would share a picture with you anyway. If you could find or buy the runners and you were handy with tools you could build the seat part.
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    Crystal - second night of mare stare and no sleep

    Best of luck. We will be anxious to hear that she foaled and all is well.
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    Question about satellite TV reception...

    I think it must have to do with who is taking care of your service issues. We have had satellite with DirecTV since it was Primestar. It goes out while the core of the storm is passing over but generally 10 minutes max and not very often. It has to be a real downpour storm for it to go out. We...
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    Thank you NW Florida Tri-State Miniature Horse Club

    That is a very caring thing to do. Awesome.
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    Billy Bob's New Life in MI

    Now that was a great update! He is a lucky horse to have found caring people.
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    Congrats to the winners.