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  1. B

    Where were you on 9-11?

    I was watching it on the news as it happened. I received a phone call from my daughter to turn it on. Then we watched more of it from the club house after playing a round of golf. Sad day in our history.
  2. B

    What does OBO really mean?

    I have not really understood that term either. I know what it refers to but to me it is like saying you are putting a price on it but are willing to take less from the start. So i guess if that is what you are thinking then the term will work for you. I don't like to see it myself. Wish they...
  3. B


    She looks to be loving her new home and the attention. Good job you are doing already.
  4. B

    Pictures of rescues pinned above

    You are doing a great job getting us pictures. Thanks as i can only imagine the work that goes into just this part of it.
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    $10. monthly challenge

    Your welcome.
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    $10. monthly challenge

    Thanks! I am gonna go take a peek right now
  7. B

    Uniontown KS rescue update on our baby

    Thank you for sharing your story. Your deserve praise for what you have done.
  8. B

    What do you feed your big horses?

    Our saddle horses, (1 Arabian, 1 Quarter & 1 Thoroughbred) and Belgian Draft Horses are on grass/alfalfa mixed hay and oats that we add loose mineral, Vit E, selenium and a pinch of extruded soy bean meal. Luckily the pastures are starting to provide some nutrition also.
  9. B

    my premie Lucy

    She is sure a pretty little filly.
  10. B

    $10. monthly challenge

    Glad i am not the only one standing alone. Thanks for the support.
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    $10. monthly challenge

    Here is the web site. Scroll on the left side to current rescues. There are only 4 or 5 pictures there but it is a start to help. I picked mine CMHR
  12. B

    $10. monthly challenge

    I see you are preparing to let us sponsor a horse, by name, for $10.00 a month. That is good news!! I hope some pictures and names are available soon. I do not need a picture of a cleaned up pretty horse. I need a picture of a horse in "need" of some help. Dirty, thin, sores whatever is wrong...
  13. B

    My mares don't want to foal

    That looks familiar LOL
  14. B

    blonde rancher joke

    Thanks for the chuckle.
  15. B

    How come there aren't more pictures

    Thanks for the pictures.
  16. B

    How come there aren't more pictures

    Oh Gini we know there is a lot of work involved in all this. Please don't feel like you have to hurry. I think i can understand, these horses are not all in one place. That i am sure makes it a little harder to get the photos and keep everything updated.
  17. B

    How come there aren't more pictures

    I have wondered that also. I have adpoted a Thoroughbred race horse from a rescue and they have all the horses on the web page along with a description and a chance to sponsor the horse for 3 months for $25 a month while in the rescue or at a home waiting to be adopted. The fragile horses that...
  18. B

    Update on Rule Measuring work...

    Wow nothing like communication. Not hard to see the hand writing on the wall is it.
  19. B

    CMHR's Auction has Ended here are the totals

    Oh that is great news.