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  1. B

    Looooonnng weekend at W W Miniatures!

    Congrats on the boys. Come on guys share that filly fairy with them
  2. B

    We had a........

    Congrats on your little filly. Hmmm what is that green stuff?
  3. B

    First 08 baby for W W Miniatures!

    Don't you love those text book foalings! What a pretty boy he is going to grow up to be.
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    Would you rather buy?

    I would prefer the mare to be open.
  5. B

    Well its hard to think of spring but does anyone

    Crazy spring weather here in MN isn't it. I have not seen a robin yet either. They must be hiding.
  6. B

    CMHR auction listings

    Wondering if all the items are posted now on the auction? Or are there some to go on yet. Terrific items by the way
  7. B

    Two Gabriellas

    Precious. Congrats to you on 2 healthy ones.
  8. B


    Yes i saw that lady with the gambling problem on the news this morning! I think it is time that people learn to grow up and take care of themselves without expecting "laws" to do it in the case of gambling and drinking yourself to death. To many stupid law suits that make smart lawyers rich. And...
  9. B

    New Website

    That is a great web site. Loads fast even on my slow dial up.
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    Austin's Special Olympics Bowling Scores!

    Hey that is great.
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    Good job, thanks.
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    Wonderful news!
  13. B

    My new horse purchase......

    Is he registered?
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    80 Horses, Mostly Shetlands, Euthanized ...

    Sad stories. I have just adopted a 6 year old TB off the race track. He has an eye injury. Got him from a rescue. They are flooded with horses.
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    Birthday today

    Have a great day Marnie! Many more to come.
  16. B

    Can someone please do a look up for me?

    AMHR - 101313B SUTHERLIN'S LITTLE SHAZAM Sex: STALLION Color: SORREL PINTO Height: 36.50" Mane & Tail: SORREL Date Foaled: 02/15/1998 Markings (1): BLUE EYES; Date Registered: 05/27/1999 Markings (2): ALL FOUR STOCKINGS Current Owner: MINDY SCHRODER Markings (3)...
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    I know many of you aren't PACKER fans but I must

    Love it! GO PACKERS!
  18. B

    Prayers for Joyce

    Hope she is improving today.
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    I don't have a problem with the cost of membership. BUT i do have a problem with the fact that we can't just be members.....that we have to have the magazines too. Our membership could cost us a lot less if it wasn't for the World and Journal magazines.